Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fourth of July Buzz

Buzz of the Day

So here we go. Last day of the month. Unorganized chaos. It's the last 2 minutes in the game and you need a hail mary to win. But I don't want to talk about that.

I want to talk about friendship.

I have some crazy relationships with my friends. Some of us talk often. Others, not so much. I don't have many "friends" anymore. I consider them family. Well, sometimes family treats you pretty crappy because...you're family and you'll understand.

That won't be me anymore. No more free lunches, free passes, or whatever else you want to call them. They'll be held accountable for their actions like everyone else. I hope they hold me accountable for my actions as well.

The older I get, the more my time is important to me. I'm not wasting time as often because time is money. And when I decide to waste time, it won't be hanging out at some event that I'm not really welcome at. Or they invited me because they felt they "had" to. I'd rather chill out and play Madden Football on my Xbox 360 and waste my time that way.

I know I've been pretty irritable lately. No apologies though. It's how I've been feeling. I had a fortune (from a fortune cookie) that said: "Be sure to let your friends good news as well as bad news." My interpretation was that I sometimes share too many struggles and not enough victories. I feel like I'd rather share struggles so you can get strength from it, than share good news and you feel like I'm bragging.

Good News: I am having my best month to date at work.

Struggle: I'm still working on my finances=I'm still broke...lol

Good News: I'm excited because in the next month I should see some benefits from our cost-cutting moves.

This is me leaving on a good note! I really appreciate all the good feedback that I hear. Please keep reading, and I'll keep writing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Customer

Buzz of the Day

The customer is not always right. There I said it! We as sales professionals work really hard to earn business. Those of us who have a great product/service can stand behind that.

I am pretty simple in my approach. If I believe we can help, I will give you a call. If we've helped you in the past, I'll give you a call. If you tell me you're interested, I'll give you a call. If you tell me to call you back on a particular day at a particular time, I'll do just that.

All I ask of you is to show some courtesy. If you've changed your mind, it's okay, just let me know. If the request didn't get approved, it's okay, just let me know.

I'm frustrated (didn't know if you could tell) with a particular account. I don't want to get myself in trouble so I'll be careful how I put this. I don't know who's reading this blog.... : )

I bent over backwards to earn this person's business. He gave me his word that he'd be available for a conference call to move the training opportunity forward. He stood me up. Not only me, but others from the New Horizons team. He probably thinks that it's okay because he's the customer. (FYI, he finally responded via email with a very weak excuse). I am not okay with that.

We are professionals! I'm not sending crazy spam emails, or sending letters tricking anyone in to calling me back. At the very least, this dude could have called and said, " I can't make the conference call." Simple as that. But he'll expect me to call and kiss his behind because he's the customer.

Now I may kiss a little behind every now and then (shocker I know), but not that dude.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. Period. He was absolutely wrong. If he's a decision maker for this organization, he should have more respect for other people's time. Now, if I was to call him and communicate my disappointment, then I'd be wrong? We all have a job to do. Please understand that. Maybe I'm different. If I get a sales call, I'll let the person speak their peace. If I walk into the mall, I'm never rude because they have a job to do. Do me a favor: If you inquired about some product/service and receieved a call. Then you changed your mind. Then the salesperson has called, but you've begin avoiding the calls. Call that person back. Heck, send the an email. That's all I ask people!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rough Week

Buzz of the Day

Last week was tough. Rough. There's a bright side though...I just don't know how soon it will be here.

Mentally, I'm exhausted. I'm just run down. I'm always trying to be solution oriented, but sometimes there is no solution but time. I have these vitamins that I've been taking for years. The serving size is two, but I only take one. I figured that taking one was better than not taking any. One doesn't seem like enough any more. So I'm starting to take two each day and I don't know yet. (FYI, I get my vitamins from Vitamin World. Ultra Man for active men, but I'm pretty sure they make one for women also).

Work was terribly slow last week. An ex colleague of mine put it simply, "We're in sales. When we're selling, we're happy. And when we don't, we feel like sh**." Well said, Leslie.

Last week, I wasn't selling and yes I felt like crap. I am always making adjustments so I look forward to seeing if they help any.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Carpe Diem

Buzz of the Day (Night)

Just looking at those trains collide today made me think of two things:

1. You can do everything from sleeping 8 hours per day to taking vitamins, but when it's your time to go...you're gone.

2. If computers were the reason that these trains crashed, that's scary because we're relying on computers more and more. When you're talking about lives, they have to be perfect because 99% ain't good enough.

Father's Day

Buzz of the Day

Happy Father's Day to all parents who play dad in their household. There are many woman who are the only parent around. Happy Father's day to you...For those single dads, being mom and dad...a special Happy Father's day to you.

I was at home doing dishes, with one eye on the laundry (my wife was actually doing laundry, but I had one eye on it when she ran to the store).

I realized...well, I've known it but some days it resonates a little louder. Men have to lead. Period. Your woman should follow the example you set. Wait a second, before you get all crazy. There are definitely times when the wife/girlfriend should get to lead. But overall, a man should set the tone.

Today it was super hot. We didn't feel like doing anything, but the house was a lil messy. So, my wife had started washing clothes and before I had gotten home, she ran out to the store for this stir fry type of thing at Meijer. My first thought was to sit my a** down because I had been at work all day. I even stayed late (as usual), but I decided to unload/reload the dishwasher. Then I was upset because the damn thing hardly washes anything. So I actually washed the dishes by hand. I rode that momentum and wiped the counters and swept the floor.

Honestly, I'm trying to do more things like that more often....and I have, but not as frequent enough.

I know my wife took a vow to love and honor me, but I think the days that I contribute to keeping our house clean, I make it easier on her. And I'm easier to love. Nobody wants to see somebody chilllin' while your busting your tail. Not at work or home.

I think everyone should play some type of team sport. When you realize how important it is that you do your job, and how it impacts your team...I think a light goes off... For most of us... Well, at least some of us.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Living for the weekend...

Buzz of the Day

Hello again. I really need to write at least once a day! I'm such a scatter brain, that I have all these thoughts and then I lose them. I always feel better after I blog too. It's like a relief.

I think about life and I realize why I love sports so much. Mentally, I need a break! Sports is my opportunity to exhale and be entertained. I love the competition, the strategy, the adjustments...

That's life...you have this great game plan. You're going to go to school, study hard, graduate, and get this outstanding position with this fortune 500 company.

Then life happens, and you need money for school so you start working more hours, they promote you to manager so you work more hours, you meet a girl at the manager conference in St. Louis (I don't know why I chose St. Louis, just follow along please), and she gets pregnant. You move from Ohio to St. Louis to be with her, but she already has a boyfriend. (They were on and off: you met her when they were off , but by the time you move all your things there, they're on again). So then you find a job there in St. Louis...and 6 years have passed. Damn!

No college degree, no job that you can see yourself in for the next 30 years, and...that's when these game-time adjustments kick in. Life doesn't have to go exactly like you planned it to be considered good. You just have to make the correct adjustments. That was why I love coaching basketball and I love life: it's all about adjusting...like a chess game. Or a basketball game.

When I was a freshmen in high school, I was in the locker room before a basketball game and my coach gave us the game plan, "Ok, I want us to win the jump ball, dribble down the court, run our play and score. Then I want us to set up in our defensive trap and steal the ball. I want us to run our play and score again. After that I want us to protect our lead." I promise you guys that this fool, our freshmen basketball coach said that (or something very close to that). It sounds good, but it's not realistic.

  • Be flexible when life throws you a curveball.
  • Be ready for your next opportunity.
  • Be thankful that God is giving you another day to correct your mistakes and make adjustments from yesterday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Always Feel Like...

Buzz of the Day

Hello there! I'm terribly sorry for staying away so long. I have all sorts of goodies...just not today.

We have students at our facilities all day, everyday. I said hello to a woman who was at the vending machine. She said, "You are always in a great mood when I see you. You're always smiling. That's tough to do these days." I told her I appreciated her comment and that some days were easier to smile than other days.

You never know who's looking at you. You could be looking at your new friend, boss, employee, client, or mate. Keep smiling! Fake it until you make it!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

At least I can watch the Lakers..

Buzz of the Day

We finally received our coupons for the converter box. It's a $40 coupons and the box was on sale for $49.99...you also need an antenna. Prior to getting the box, we couldn't even watch regular tv because we didn't have rabbit ears. I feel like I've done more since I've haven't had the option of television. Maybe you should try it.

My wife had been interested in the W. movie since it went to theaters. Well last weekend we started to watch it...not exactly what she thought. She sealed the Netflix up and it's on the way back to the warehouse. We didn't even finish watching it! Oh well.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Been Too Long

Buzz of the Day

I talked about my cousin before. He was a really big influence in my life when I was younger. He's in prison now, and has been for the past 15+ years. Every now and then, I'll have a dream that feels super real. I always assume those are the days that he's dreaming about me too.

I've written him several letters, but I haven't mailed a single one off since I've moved back home. I have no idea why, but I'm upset with myself. My plan is to write him once a week from now on.

He gave me so much confidence back in the day. He brought me out of my shell and made me tougher. He was the big brother that I never had, and I hate that he's away...there's no excuse why

I haven't sent him a letter. I have wedding pictures that he needs to see too.

Every now and then I think about where I've come from and the people who have been a part of my life; small or large. I sometimes feel that I have to do well in life because others don't have the opportunity. They're either in jail, dead, or mentally so gone that they can't wrap their heads around the idea of certain things.

If people respect your opinion, you should give them responsible information. The things that you say to someone may stay in their brains forever. And if you know better, do better. The truth is like the sun; you can turn your back to it; put shades on; but it is still there. If you know better, do better. You owe it to those who may not be as aware of their actions.

I mentioned that my cousin was a big influence. He still is an influence. I have to make sure that I reach out and solicit those jewels of wisdom. And then pass those jewels on for those that respect what I say.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The C Word

Buzz of the Day

Many years ago, when I was a senior in high school, I had a conversation that I'll always remember. It was a friend and basketball teammate of mine. We were in the media center during a study-hour prior to basketball practice.

He really had an interesting perspective on his future...and mine. He is a white guy (is that significant? Depends on who you ask), who was extremely charismatic and an all around good guy. He told me that he'd always have a job because of his family. He wasn't too much worried about the future. He also told me that I would always land on my feet because of my personality. My charisma would ensure my success, or so he thought. I understand what he meant, however I don't know if I agree.

Every now and then I'll think about that and wonder...What do you think?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Adapt or Die

Buzz of the Day

If you've ever watched the series "24" (my favorite by the way) you've probably seen different people sneaking and talking...away from their desk having private 2 person meetings. You don't know who to believe sometimes. Well we have some of that behavior at my job. People are whispering and the look on their faces and the vibe that I feel is...let's just say not a good one.

Things are changing at my job and maybe a 'newbie' like me doesn't mind as much as a person who's been there when things didn't change so much. I don't know... I told a coworker of mine last week that I'm still new and I don't have many complaints. And maybe when I've accomplished more, I'll have more to say. I don't feel a right to complain about certain things because: That's really not my thing anyway. If I have issues, I talk to people who can help me solve them. Trust me, if I feel it's important enough I'll say what's on my mind. There's so much negativity from a worldly standpoint, I believe complaining focuses your energy on the wrong thing.

I expect other things to change...not sure what. I'm also not sure how people will react to the changes. Personally, I don't care. And no matter how long I'm at my job, that will never change. I have too many worries myself to be worried about yours. Don't get me wrong, there's more than one way to skin a cat. My way is not the only way or the best way necessarily. If you complain and threaten to get things done, more power to you. I'm not judging, just given you my humble viewpoint. And this is Baxter's buzz, not your buzz...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fred G. Sanford...the G stands for...

Buzz of the Day

I'm just enjoying a wonderful Saturday, watching Sanford and Son DVDs. Since we got rid of our cable, we've subscribed to Netflix. 5 bucks a month I can handle. We have the movie "W." to watch tonight or tomorrow.

We were at a birthday party yesterday for a good friend of ours. They've been in my life more than most of family so I consider them my family. (When I say they I mean my dear friend and his wife. They've been an item since we were 15 yrs old. So there it is. I've been knowing him since 3rd grade and her since 7th grade.

I've been so excited because I love challenges. And with my wife and I trying to find a way to save some money we've: Changed our cell phone plan; turned our cable off; and we're looking for another apartment. I'm excited because I know we'll be better off because our sacrifices. I love having a plan. I love doing difficult stuff because I know it will pay off. I want my wife to really let her struggles sink in and then destroy them with perseverence!I try to worry about solutions to my problems and not get so caught up with the problems themselves. Struggle is so important in our development. I'm not crazy about it but I understand it's necessary sometimes.

I told you before that I was looking for a new apartment because my current place didn't want to talk to me about any incentives for staying...well that has changed. For those of you who know me personally, know that I'm very persistent. Let's just say that I was able to get in front of the right person. LOL... So I'm staying in my current community. We are going to downsize our place and save a decent amount of money per month.

I understand how important goals are. My wife and I have some individual and some collaborative goals. We started this month and I'm looking forward to see if we're up for the challenge! I think it is important to achieve goals that you set for yourself. From a mental standpoint, to pick a goal and achieve it...It's very empowering.

One of my goals is to spend more time with you guys here. I'm going to the YMCA to work out 3 days a week, and I'm taking my a** back to school also. You know I'll keep you in the loop!

**I appreciate your support. For those that check in to see what I'm up to and what's on my mind, I'm very flattered. I'm really enjoying this. I hope you are as well.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Unhappy Campers

I think people know that the economy is not booming and things are tough. Especially tough for those of us who depend on people spending money to make our money. I love my job. There's no "but" in there. I am on board with the vision and technology isn't going anywhere.

Small sales Pitch: We provide companies (and individuals) with opportunities to become more efficient in these ever changing times. Project Managers; IT Professionals; Human Resource Managers; and everyone in between have benefited from training provided by New Horizons... my point is (outside of the shameless plug) I feel good about what I do. I'm not selling a crappy product or service. It's a good feeling and personally, I could never sell something that I didn't believe in. I know there are many people who couldn't care less about that.

Money rules the world and most people view it as a scale of respectability: The more you have, the more respected you are, and the less you have, the less respected you are.

My father told me many years ago that, "You can put a suit on a pig, but it's still a pig." It doesn't what your title is, how much money you have. You are who you are when nobody's looking. The way you treat other people, will always go a long way with how I perceive you.

I Am Very Happy to be Here!

Buzz of the Day

Hello and Happy Friday to you all! I'm excited to finally be back! I've been reading other people's blogs and commenting on some and haven't submitted an entry to my own! There has been so much going on! Between drama at work and drama in the world. I've almost had too much on my mind and thought I might burst if I didn't put something on my blog today. I don't really have time to really dig into things right now. (I try to work really hard on Fridays so the day move by faster). But I will say that desperation brings out the worst in people sometimes.

Later today, I'll be blogging about: My wife's birthday; changes at work; and the fact that everyone has a friggin' secret and probably more than one. I'm going to share one of mine.