Buzz of the Month
I've spent an enormous amount of time recently pondering my future. More than usual, I have this uneasiness because I feel like I'm late to my own party.
I was fortunate to graduate from high school and attend college the following school year. I wasn't ready for college. Not because I couldn't handle to material or the freedom of college.
I didn't have a direction.
I had no idea of what I wanted to do, so my lack of direction impeded my progression in school. I was up a creek without a direction. I wasn't one of these kids being pushed in a direction by my family that I didn't choose. I didn't even have pressure from anyone. I was just floating like a leaf in the wind. Maybe if I had someone unfairly pressuring me into a career path that I didn't want, I'd at least have a stinking degree. But then what? I'd have a degree, true, but would still be struggling to find myself.
There's no doubt in my mind that I'd be successful, but this itch I have today would still be here if I hadn't found my niche yet.
I am blessed to be very well rounded. I have a variety of interests and I happen to be pretty good in several areas. Sometimes it becomes frustrating because I have so many things I want to do. It is even more frustrating when I don't do anything about any of it.
I was talking to a good friend of mine about my "dilemma" this weekend. sidenote: I put quotations around "dilemma" because I understand there are people out there who would love to have this particular dilemma.
And what she help me understand is: I can do all of these things, but I need to get started right away. So my solution is to pick a direction and go. And in the midst of doing this one thing, I can add these other passions as I go. I need to stop worrying about how long my trip will take, and just start trekking.
I appreciate my few readers who keep up with my blog. I have so much on my mind...all the time, but I battle with myself about what is appropriate and what should be kept to myself. I will continue to do my best post consistently, and I ask you to please continue to read :)