Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Buzz

Hello All! Here's some randomness for you all!

Random Buzz

Not Cool - I don't agree w anyone peeing on toilet seats anywhere but there are, should I say, special circumstances where we might be forced to do that (at a bar or something). But if you pee on the toilet seat at work, there should be an investigation and once they find the culprit, they should stand them up at an all-staff meeting and let people take turns slapping them on the back of their head. Man or woman.

No free lunch - So I ended up at the store, shopping for clothes for my entire lunch period and when I ran to Wendy's to grab something, it was way too crowded. I came back to work and a coworker asked me if I wanted the rest of her chicken club (after hearing that I was scrounging for food). The first bite left tomato juice ALL over my shirt sleeve. Taking to the dry cleaners immediately.

That Guy - I don't ever want to offend people with my cologne. There's always some old dude with way too much cologne on. Not cool. As I get older, I find myself spraying that one extra spray on in the morning. Next year will that be two extra sprays? I don't ever want to be "that guy."

Tis The Season - School is back in and I'm excited. I love to stay busy and know that I'm using my time wisely. Its easy to say that you'll do more when you don't HAVE to, but most of us don't. I guess that's why most of us are not where we want to be in life.

Resolution - The end of September marks the end of the third quarter of the calendar year. Think about your New Year's Resolution and where you stand 9 months later. Have you stayed with it? I need to get my stuff together.

Just a Thought - Help someone this week accomplish a goal of theirs. Nothing makes me feel better than to help people. Print out a resume for them, drive them to an interview, download their free album. Pay it forward.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Keep Shining

Baxter's Buzz

I'm a HUGE sports fan. As the NFL has returned, there are players signing new contracts for big, big money. Once a player signs a contract, that changes the market value for other playing his position. In the regular world, we don't sign for millions of dollars, but we still allow folks that run our companies to put values on us.

You are worth more than they're paying you. You have to recognize that your worth doesn't come with what shows on your pay check.

My wife has a beautiful engagement ring. Depending on the lighting, it can look even more beautiful or not as nice. And when she goes to it cleaned, it looks like it did when she first received it out the box.

My Aunt called me this week and read me a letter that I wrote her over 7 years ago. I was surprised about a few things. I was so confident at the time. I had many things going on at the time but I was excited about them all! I was also surprised about how well written the letter was. (Its different hearing someone else read YOUR writing). My aunt's call was much needed. Life has a way of "scuffing up" your self image. We may be around the wrong people and the lighting won't allow us to shine like we know we can. Being around positive and supportive people and those who will challenge you, helps you keep your shine. Strengthening your relationship with God helps you shine.

Being around people who don't have a good outlook on their own lives takes away from your shine, believe it or not. Have you ever seen beautiful diamonds together on one ring? The shine of one helps the shine of the other. Surrounding yourself with people who are striving, helps you to strive.

Hearing that letter reminded me of the person I want to become. The person I have shown that I can be at times: Confident, energetic, focused and disregarding obstacles like a small fly on the face of a black bear.

God has a way of finding you wherever you are and delivering His message and I am thankful for that. I've hit some bumps along my road recently, but now I'm shining again! Don't let anyone take your shine. Thanks Auntie!

A special prayer to those who sacrificed their life on September 11, 2001 and those consequently went to war because of those events. And also to the families that have lost anyone. Ever.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Peace and Quiet

Baxter's Buzz

So I didn't have super exciting plans for Labor Day. I wanted to do some reading and writing is what I told the people who asked. The wife and I got much more than we bargained for when our electricity was knocked out because of a terrible storm. Power went out about 9pm on Saturday and as I write this on Monday, about 8pm, it has yet to be restored (editors note: Power returned abou 9m).

As we complained all Saturday night and Sunday morning, we decided to run out for some things. Once we started to drive down our street, we noticed how much damage this storm actually caused. There were huge trees that had been torn from the ground, some even falling on houses. There was even a telephone pole that had fallen into someones new SUV. Life is about perspective: No damage had been done to our home or car. As I struggled with an extraordinarily difficult week (and blogged about it) a couple of weeks back, there are folks who'd LOVE to have my problems.

So when a storm enters your life, don't be upset about its arrival because storms are inevitable. Be thankful that your storm wasn't as bad as it could have been.

R.I.P to Tom "Killer" Kowalski. He was a beat writer for the Detroit Lions for over 30 years. To call him a beat writer doesn't do his true justice. He was the fan's direct line to the Lions through print and radio. He will truly be missed.