Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Talent and Effort

Baxter's Buzz
I'm a big sports fan. I understand that these professional athletes are the best in the world. I was watching the Fab Five documentary on ESPN last night when I saw Grant Hill in his Duke jersey. I wondered if people remember how great of a player he was for his years in Detroit as a Piston.
He was blessed athletically, but he also was one of the hardest working guys, if not the hardest working guy. Of course injuries cost him many years so who knows how much better he would have become.
The one thing I know is that he showed up every year better than he was before. There were people nowhere near as talented as Hill but failed to get the most out of their talents. The same can be said for some who were more talented. "Leaving much more in the tank".
How can anyone allow a person who's naturally more gifted than them also out work them?
I feel that many guys in the NBA got the most out of their talent. Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, and John Stockon to name a few, squeezed everything they had out of the talent they were given. Some guys like Vince Carter, Shaq, Chris Webber, who were immensely talented, never "pushed it" to see how great they could truly be.
Do you push yourself on a daily basis to be great? Are you a talented slacker who is skating by on natural gifts alone? If so, why haven't you attempted to shoot for the stars? Are you an average talent who is always one step from being out the door because not only are you not the gifted, you're lazy?
Do you care about trying to make up the performance gap between you and your more talented coworkers? Do you plan to do anything different?
I know I haven't gotten the most out of my talent and it frustrates me to no end when I still have so much give. But at what point does potential go out the window and you just are who you are? When you go from a "coulda been" to a "never will be"?

Monday, December 12, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #20

I am an optimist. I always believe that things will work out. I am very "excitable" when it comes to things I'm involved in. You won't see me bouncing off the walls, but if my manager or my teammate is inspired and sharing that with me, I tend to be inspired as well.

But if you're blowing smoke up my behind and lying too much (I say too much because bosses always lie a lil bit), then I start to zone you out and you lose credibility with me.

Some people are not meant to work for others. They'll never work as hard as they should because they feel they should be getting a bigger slice of the pie. The problem is only a small number of THOSE people will actually go out and start businesses of their own. Most of them will float from job to job, thinking they're the smartest person in the room, with nothing to show for it. A small number will actually have the drive to start a business. And an even smaller number will have success in those businesses.

My wife was talking about work today and prefaced her comment with, "I hate to think that I have an ego but..." Ego is not always bad. Ego can push you to become the best in the department and ultimately get that promotion. Ego may propel you during presentation for the VP. Ego can force you out of a comfortable job because you feel like you deserve more. Don't get me wrong: Ego has gotten many people in trouble, but so has idleness and complacency.

You have to have balance, weighing pros and cons before making a huge decision. Deciding what the risks are versus the rewards. And of course, take time to pray and ask God to help lead you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend In Review

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #21

This weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. I contemplated going to hang out for a friend's birthday party. I wasn't invited officially so there was nobody to call/text to say I wasn't coming. I talked to my brother and a friend of mine and decided to just relax with the wife. I slept well and woke up very late. Much later than usual. Started to think about the next few months and how I envisioned things happening.

I've been thinking about the non profit and scholarship that my friends and I discussed over a year ago. As you think about the immediate concerns that you have, it is difficult to draw up a plan to help others. Terribly difficult. I sat here all weekend and while I washed some dishes and did laundry, I tried to organize my thoughts and think of a way to breath life back into this scholarship project.

I've realized that focus for me involves: No television, no texting, and no twitter/facebook. I was able to finish studying for my test on Monday, however, this scholarship needs more time. I plan to spend more time this week on this endeavor. Have ideas? I'm open to them.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #22

While I Was Here

The Lord told me that my day was coming

I'd be able to stand tall

Hard times has a way of numbing

Your senses where you don't feel at all

I'm appalled to think that I chose this life

I wanted what you wanted, a good job and a wife

Couple of kids. White picket fence

But when reality strikes, it strikes quick and don't miss

I made bad choices and here I am

God calling me saying it time to come with Him

But I said, "Lord if you give me another hour I'll dedicate that hour to you."

God told me that I had 7 more years, and if I fell off the path I wouldn't have that

So as I change lanes, I'm trying to keep my hands on the wheels

God forgives, but then gives us free will

But don't take His grace for granted find that balance

Try to do better. Try to repair damage

So as my time nears I have no fear

I just hope I made Him proud while I was here

Seasons of Change

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #19

Seasons of change can't be avoided
They called me paranoided because I planned for the worse
My fear is to work for a crew full of jerks
That waive power over your head like they're masters of the universe
When bills are overdue, the papers turn pink
They worry about private school tuition, you're washing clothes in the sink
You wanna stop existing and actually do some living
Walking, talking dead though we think we're doing more
Seasons are about to change for sure
When they change, it'll be for the best. But when they'll change again is anybody's guess

Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Party

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #22

I am down to the final stretch of blogging everyday and I am really happy to see all the people who have visited the site to check me out.

Today our holiday "party" was at a bowling alley..

I was talking to one of my new coworkers and realized that he was a big basketball (NBA) fan. I was really excited to know this, being that I enjoy myself some basketball too. Then came the bad news: Not only is he NOT a Detroit Pistons fan, he hates them! Not cool, but this could be an interesting winter.

He talked about how he follows another team and subscribes to the NBA cable package in order to follow them. It appeared that he has received a lot of flack from his friends because he had all of these great rationales for not following his local team. I thought it was kinda cool, although, I'm not sure if I could follow a team besides the Pistons if I lived in another state. I like other teams. I am a Kobe fan so I root for the Lakers, but I don't watch ALL of their games, but it would be less frustrating that the Pistons the past few years. Because I watch 95% of Pistons games.

I started to think what other team would I follow. That wouldn't be a bad idea if I could just find the right team. I'm not ready for the that though. I'll stick with my Pistons...for now anyway.

As I start to remember all of the new names and faces at the new job, I am gaining confidence. I am realizing that everyone leans on everyone there and nobody knows everything. The sooner I jump in, the sooner I can be one of the helpers and not the helpee.

Bowled for the first time in my life today. My score was 102. I wasn't the far. And the more regular bowlers told me I did good by breaking 100. Once I realized that I wasn't going to throw gutter balls, my competitiveness kicked in and I wanted to do well. I do believe that it won't take another 30 years for my next appearance.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 Things Thursday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #23

These are 10 of the thoughts that went through my mind today. I hope you enjoy:

1. These professional sports teams are handing out a crazy amount of money. Will there ever come a time when it is hard for us to root for these guys?

2. My wife is awesome. She brings a sweetness to my life that I've never experienced. She is genuine and that is hard to find. I sometimes get mad because folks will take advantage, but I wouldn't change her.

3. There are companies being run by some selfish, scared bullies. They will take the path of least resistance, alienating their employees along the way.

4. The further you're removed from interacting with the people/common folks as a leader of a company, the colder you become. Its the same reason these politicians are so out of touch. They don't listen to real people. Too much insulation. Many times deliberate insulation.

5. There was a shooting in Ferndale today at my old elementary. I remember playing football at lunch, playing basketball on the monkey bars, and having these crazy "boxing matches" far enough from the school that staff couldn't see us.

6. There is a holiday party at my new job tomorrow. I believe that it will be a good opportunity for me to have a beer and get to know some of my coworkers. I'm also willing to bet that someone will have more than one and embarrass themselves. If they're anything like my old coworkers...haha.

7. I really enjoyed the people I worked with at my last gig. I truly believe that I'll stay in touch with many of them. More than facebook. We shall see.

8. I've been really tired this week. I haven't gotten used to my new job. Just going to a place different than the one you've gone to for the past 3+ years is weird. I've forgotten my vitamins, not drank enough water, and missed breakfast too many days the past 2 weeks. I need to do better.

9. One of my friends is really struggling with their relationship and they've done a TON to make it right. I'm at the point where my friend's partner needs to decide that enough is enough. If I mess up, make me beg a little. Then decide if you want to continue on. If not, so be it. If you do, then LET IT GO!

10. I am really trying to enjoy my wife. We got married during the great recession and it has limited our funds and what we've been able to do. Stability is what I believe to have now. Time to take advantage.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #24

I am down to number 24! I have posted a blog everyday since October 31st. By the way, I love the number 24. I've always loved even numbers but when I saw the maze jersey that Jimmy King wore with the number 24 on it, I've never liked a number more.

When you think about the crazy feelings you had as a kid, it has to make you laugh. I remember saying that I'd always shave my facial hair when I start growing it. Absurd! I was in 7th grade when I started growing a mustache and I can count on one hand how many times I've completely shaved it. As a matter of fact, I had never shaved it until new years eve of 2008. I've done it twice more since and my wife and I hate it every time.

I remember grown folks laughing at me when I was going through girl problems as a kid. My dad's friends would tell me I'd survive but it never felt like it at the time. As an adult, of course those things were funny because I did survive and am better for the stupid stuff from my past.

The old folks told me that girls would be there and to ignore them and focus on my school. I thought that I would go on to play college basketball at the University of Kentucky. Needless to say, I never ignored the girls and I didn't play ball at UK.

As I talk to my nephews and nieces, I try to pass on the advice that I neglected to follow. I see them trying to be respectful, trying not to roll their eyes, but we all need to learn lessons differently. Many, if not all of them when they go older have told me how they should have listened to me earlier, and I'm sure they'll pass on those lessons to the next generation. Hopefully they listen more than they don't.

I really appreciate all of the visitors that have checked out my blog. Just keep reading and I'll keep writing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Take a Moment

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #25

Are you underpaid? Do you feel like you're being underpaid? Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought your compensation matched the work you do? Probably not.

As the NBA gets ready to start their season, and the millionaires and billionaires can get back to business as usual, there are still millions of people that are struggling mightily. My heart goes out to those families that are truly doing the best that they can, only to fall short of the bills every month.

I work in sales. Recently I left the best job that I ever had for (hopefully) a new job that will claim that title. I have done some things that are much more physically taxing and much less pay. I'm sure most you can relate.

If you are not happy with your current wages, work towards improving that. But be thankful for a job, because there are many people out there who'd trade places with you in a heartbeat. Not saying to be completely satisfied, but take time everyday to appreciate what you have.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Poems by Bax

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #26

Common Exchange

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Joy and Pain is a common exchange

Ain't much in between but dreams

We all want to be on stage, but the real work is behind the scenes

I had a dream I fell off. You know, off my path

Tough people hold strong but tough times don't last

We all will fall, you gain strength when you rise again

Don't make all your mistakes on your own

Some of those lessons are taught by wiser men

Just when they've counted you out is when true character is developed

Be humble enough to learn from elders when they tell it

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reviewing the Tape

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #27

There are always issues that arise in life. I am a person that takes very little time worrying about WHY the issue is the issue. I want to know what caused it and how I can improve moving forward.

When my friend and I coached middle school basketball, we'd spend entire nights talking about strategy. This would be after a win or a loss. This is the same friend who I'd talk to about life in the same way. All of my close friends and I are always evaluating and re-evaluating our lives. It is a gift and a curse.

In life we should always be battling against par, so to speak. Meaning we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to others, but to the goals we set for ourselves.

There has to be a balance between satisfaction with the direction you're headed and striving to where you'd like to be. We should always review the tape to pat ourselves on the back and to correct mistakes.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #28

I'm an idiot. Not too long ago I asked if women can ever be satisfied. This time I'd like to focus on me(n) and the stupid things I/we do. I believe that I am very considerate and thoughtful, but I drop the ball like everyone else. Maybe not as often as some, but more often that I'd like. I don't think (enough) before I speak. I am trying to understand that I cannot talk to my wife the way I want someone to talk to me. I don't like having to cipher through fluff when someone talks to me, but my wife, and most other people, need more fluff.

My friends will tell you that I don't have a problem saying what is on my mind, but many times I DON'T say what I'm feeling. I understand that the truth doesn't work most of the time, so instead I say nothing.

I need more fluff in my vocabulary. Although I despise the thought of including more fluff in my life, I'll do it to keep my wife happy with me.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #29

Desean Jackson is a professional athlete. He plays for the Philadelphia Eagles and is one of the best at his position. He is on last year of his contract and they haven't given him a new contract yet. This is a very sensitive issue for NFL players because their contracts are not guaranteed and their careers don't last very long. One of the things the NFL team can do is "franchise" the player once the player's contract ends. That gives that particular player a salary of the top 5 players at his position. Sounds good right? Its only a 1 year contract and it deters other teams from signing that player because of the type of compensation they'd have to give up. So essentially, they are forced to sign a 1 year deal with the team that didn't give them a long-term deal to begin with.

We are all looking for security and a series of 1 year "deals" wouldn't make any of us happy, especially an NFL player, who's average career spans 3 years. With all of that being said, Desean has not represented himself in a professional manner.

Unless some things change drastically for me, I'll never make millions in a year. I have been in situations where I felt very disrespected by management, but I'd NEVER act in that manner! It does no good. I think about how I've gone about things when I have had problems, and famous or not, I cannot see myself going against my moral code, but also embarrassing myself and ruining my reputation.

How do you handle disputes in your job when you feel like you're being underpaid?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

10 Things Thursday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #30

These are 10 thoughts that entered my brain today...Enjoy

1. Not having a cell phone makes me feel like I'm always missing something.

2. Having friends at a job speeds up the process of making new friends.

3. There is always a person trying to hard a work. I have already identified the assailant..haha

4. There are many styles that work in sales. You just have to be genuine.

5. I like to dress nice. I don't need to wear a tuxedo. But I like to be shaved, dressed well, and smelling good.

6. I-696 frustrates me to no end. The morning and afternoon drives suck evenly.

7. The industry you work is so important to you, but probably grossly unimportant to your
loved ones.

8. You can be respected and taken seriously without being a stick in the mud. Taking yourself
too serious has to be awful.

9. Whenever you have a chance to meet someone important in your company, go out of your way to shake their hand if nothing else.

10. Marriage is job that never ends. Regardless of the type of day you've had, your significant other needs to be doing well when you get home or NONE of it matters.