Thursday, January 28, 2016

What Are You Working For?


I have all of these great ideas, but I feel like my time is dwindling. Those who work traditional jobs, give their best hours to their employer. And fools like me who also work in the evening, have shrunk the time I have for my own ventures. Is it appreciated? Does my boss or their boss even care that I work late evenings and weekends? The truth is they care, but not much.

I talked to a friend of mine today and he's in sales. He was telling me that he was having his best January ever and he was setting himself up for the best year of his career. Awesome news, right? The strange thing is he seemed down. Many of his coworkers aren't having his type of start and history tells him that change is coming.....and coming soon. Change can disrupt flow and momentum and if leadership is flying by the seat of their pants and being shortsighted, it puts everyone on edge. You can do everything you've planned to do, hit every target, attained every goal and you can still come up short. Such is life.

The older, successful I talk to tell me about balance. Spending time with the family, knowing when to put down the laptop and enjoying your spouse and children. It always makes sense what they say, but I always think if they'd had it to do over again, they'd still bust their butts because that's why they're in their current position. And although I understand the importance of balance in theory, I also feel an enormous amount of pressure to ensure my family is comfortable. Hell, I'm really working to pay daycare from now until.......sheesh! I don't even want to think about it.

As I work to become more balanced and save some of my prime hours for my OWN endeavors, I understand what pays the (daycare) bills now and that is my focus. Honestly, it's always nice to be recognized for hard work, but that's not my goal. My goal is to one day have something to show for all of this hard work..

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Practicality vs Preference


A friend of mine is taking his son's full size bed out of his room to replace it with a twin. The full doesn't allow him much room to play, and when his cousins are over (he has a lot of cousins), there isn't enough room. The logical solution is to get a smaller bed, albeit, not the most popular. Although it feels like a "downgrade," it's really an upgrade. He can be more comfortable in the place he spends the most time.

What part of your life do you need more space to do other things? What part of your life could use some unclogging? What are you filling your life up with because it appears to be the right thing, but is really a hindrance?

I believe we all should occasionally take inventory of those in our lives and be sure that we're making time for the right things.

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Small Handful


Towards the end of 2015, I realized that there were people who I genuinely liked, but never saw. That's a problem. This life is supposed to be enjoyed with those who you share a love and admiration for. If you're devoting all of your time to inconsequentials at work and then they're STILL on your mind once you get home, that's a huge problem.

I've committed to making contact with a small handful of people each day. A group that I designate "family," whether shared bloodlines or not. Those who have similar interests but not so much that it's like talking to myself. Those who my wife enjoys being around. Those who care about my well-being. I can't talk to every single person I know each day, but I can pick a handful of these people and work on building more with them. That's a start and I'll work from there.

When people are busy and doing life, things don't always happen "organically". There are times when you need to force the issue.  Include reaching out to others into your everyday routine. I always laugh when people say, "I've been meaning to call you, but I've been so busy". Like they haven't touch a phone. It's nobody's fault, we are all creatures of habit. Make room for the shit that matters.....relationships. Not working and worrying so much that you can't find time for anything else! Laugh with, cry with, inspire and challenge those closest to you. I want my loved ones to be better because I played a part in their evolvement, not better despite my lack of enthusiasm or encouragement.

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016 Is My Year!


Here We Go Again - This is my attempt to get some feelings and experiences documented before my second child arrives in early April. There are a number of challenges that I'm facing and I want to share. To my 3-4 folks who read when I post, thank you. It's probably down to 1 person since I haven't blogged since March of 2015! I hope to be more consistent moving forward. I'm selfishly hoping that this will unclutter some of the thoughts in my brain.

My second child is expected to arrive about three weeks before my oldest turns three years old. My birthday will be about 10 days between each, but I am not focused on that. I'm sure I'll fit in a celebratory drink/dinner for myself but my biggest concern is getting this newborn here, safe and sound. And of course, making sure my wife is healthy as well. There are so many things to worry about during a pregnancy, but it's such a waste of energy. And it does no good.
We found out we were expecting as I was trying to find my legs in a new job role. I did not handle the transition well. I lost a lot of sleep, worrying about my new leadership team, how I could make more money, how we'd handle another baby and how would we be able to afford it.

Oh Yeah, Money - Leadership is interesting. I think most of us have an idea of what we'd like to do if given a chance to lead, but once in a role, YOUR leaders typically dictate how you'll lead. I've been in the workforce long enough to know that leadership does matter. Poor leaders can force you to leave a job you really like and great leaders can help you enjoy a job and excel where you never thought you could. Some leaders are so caught up in proving their worth, they're impeding the progress of their team. Removing their proverbial thumb and allowing the team to flourish and grow, (with pertinent and occasional input) is what I respond best to. I'm doing my best to give my leadership what they need while trying to work from a consistent playbook. It's the balance that I need in order to keep my sanity....and sleeping at night. 

Keeping What Real? - What I also realized is that nothing brings more peace than prayer. Allowing God to handle my worries has ALWAYS been the best remedy. It's amazing how quickly we can forget about prayer, being too wrapped up in our own minds. I started this blog back in 2008 as a platform to share and work through some of the issues in my head. I had just moved back to Detroit from the west side of the state and was about to get married. I moved to start a new job and was being introduced to the world of corporate America. The pretentiousness and phony people has always been a struggle for me. Now I just work under the assumption that whatever I share will eventually become public knowledge so if I don't want that outcome, keep it to myself. I watch a lot of sports and I'm always amazed at how a player can go from a promising career to a "bust" all because they changed teams. The people around you make all of the difference in the world. A group of folks who build you up will always see better results from you than a group who just tears you down. Seems like a simple concept, but yet there are folks in leadership positions at the highest levels that can't quite grasp this ideology. I'm learning to deal with it better, but I still REALLY STRUGGLE. Guess I need to continue to pray!

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.