This is a blog dedicated to the less than perfect events in my life and other regular people's view on the world we live in. No corporate sponsors;Just good ole writing from the heart. Have an opinion? Please feel free to share.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Buzz of the Day
I have a wife (no kids yet). When you make a commitment like that, your priorities change (for most of us). You realize that what you do effects everyone. And when you add children to the mix, things intensify (from what I've heard). I work very hard so that I can provide for my wife and lay the foundation for additions to the family. Now here's the also have to provide support outside of dollars and cents. Sometimes we get so caught up in one, that we neglect the other. Both of those things have to be in place, but in my opinion, love, affection, and moral support are more important. If you don't believe me, go and ask someone who worked 24 hours/day 7 days/week to provide for their family, only to come home to an empty house.
I am the newest account executive at my job, so I am pretty anxious and my mood goes up with every sale and down (Barry White's voice deep down) with every person who changes their mind or decides that priorities have changed. I come in early almost everyday and stay late everyday. Now...regardless of how much money I make or don't make, if my home is not is good shape, I have failed. Point blank. Period.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Buzz of the Day
I guess. But we all have our own definitions of what pressure is. I put a great deal of pressure on myself because I have certain expectations. And because my inner circle is so small, I put a lot of pressure on those close to me as well. (Poor guys)
I was told there are two types of motivation: Self motivation and Forced motivation. I believe that self discipline plays a significant part in success. I admire those who can block everything out and achieve goals. (Personally, I have gotten better, but I'm still a work in progress). You have to recognize your strengths and then surround yourself with quality people who may be stronger where you are weak.
Don't be afraid to put pressure on yourself. You may just react positively to it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Buzz of the Day
I'm not here to take a political stand...well at least not today. I started thinking about all this craziness and how it affects me and my family.
This is super scary to me. I am newly married, want to have kids soon, but I have no idea what tomorrow is going to bring. The thought of sitting around and waiting on someone to "make it right" is absurd to me. Don't get me wrong, I'd love if the government would get America back on its feet, but I have never been given much in my life. So as I write this I've realized the answer to my question...
I will keep bustin' my butt to get ahead like I've been doing... And let the chips fall where they may.
Its either that or waiting for the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Buzz of the Day
At work yesterday my boss told me he saw 2nd year Detroit Piston, Rodney Stuckey. They were at the same restaurant. His wife told him to ask if he'd take a picture with their son. Well Mr. Stuckey said no. As he was telling me the story, I started to feel disappointed. I am a Piston fan and I like Stuckey as a player. Then I realized that I don't know him as a person though...and that's okay. These actors, athletes, etc., all are entertainers. They don't have to be our friends. It would be cool if the star players in your home town where super nice, but don't count on it. As we go through these incredibly tough economic hardships, they are still millionaires. Most of them have this attitude that we cannot relate to because of their success.
But that's not my point...
We need to take greater responsibility to be the role models in our young people's lives.
I was watching the "Mr. T." Biography (FYI, that's his legal name). They had the usual people talking about his life and all that good stuff... but they also had his 2 greatest fans. One of the men said that both of his parents were "bikers" and used drugs. He said the Mr. T. was the only person in his life who didn't drink or use drugs. He has a huge tattoo of Mr. T. on his arm!
That's an incredible story...
But what if...Mr. T. was caught in a hotel in New York with drugs, guns, and women in 1986? Thank God Mr. T. has remained consistent in his behavior and message, but that's a lot of influence from a person who doesn't know you.
In a perfect world there would be 2 parents in every home and all pancakes would be perfectly round...not real life.
When you hear about the FBI rescuing 48 suspected teen prostitutes from ages 13-17 nationwide, obviously they needed more positive influences in their lives. These children are labeled "throw-a-way-kids" because they are runaways with no family. More importantly, they feel nobody cares. Whether that's true or not is beside the point. We cant save everyone, but we can damn sure try.
Not just the children in our life but everyone. We are could be one moment away from our lives being turn upside down. Our faith and those around us will give us a stability to combat these potential catastrophic events. Wouldn't it be nice to know you kept someone from going over the edge because of your love and support of them?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Buzz of the Day
Attorney General Eric Holder (the first black Attorney General), said in his speech that Americans don't speak enough about race. Our work places are more mixed, but that people basically are segregated during their off days, and after work. He's basically saying there's an elephant in the room, but nobody wants to openly discuss things. And because of people's unwillingness, we are "A Nation of Cowards."
Please give me some feedback (if you have something to give). Do you feel tension at work? I can tell you about one person that does. There is a man in Lansing who is an electrical worker for the Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL). He was out on a job when some of the workers told him to walk over to a man hole. We he walked over there, two of his coworkers were dressed in white hoods like KKK members. Everyone thought it was hilarious. Expect Mr. Clay who was the only black person on site. The workers proceeded to tell everyone at the office when they returned. He has filed a lawsuit, but this isn't the only time he's filed a complaint. He has been there since 2001 and has allegedly: Received less training and pay than his white counterparts; been looked over for certain assignments by supervisors because he was black; and in 2003, a crew leader that he was on a job with sprayed him with a water bottle filled with bleach. He allegedly told Clay, "I'm going to make you white."
People say just because we have a black president, race relations are fine. That's like saying when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, racism in baseball ended.
We all have questions about things that we're not familiar with. Open up dialog with people that are different than you so you can better understand things that you are unsure of. Instead of listening to what your parents say or what you see on t.v....ask. If you care. And if you don't care, please don't make assumptions based on your ignorance. Just shut up!
Sounds simple enough huh?
This is definitely not a black and white thing. We have every color and creed here in America.
BTW, its not okay to talk negatively about any race. So if you are talking about Arabs and you're talking to black people, it is not right! Or visa versa. And if you are black, white, etc. and you allow someone to talk about another race to you, it ain't right!
Not only that, but they are probably talking about you when you're not around.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Buzz of the Day
Time is so precious. We all have many things that we'd like to do. We have families to care for, friends, work, etc. There are only so many hours in a day. Last year I was living in Lansing, working 2 jobs. About 70 hours/week. My father was sick. My sisters called me and said he'd be okay. No big deal... He was having 'minor' surgery (if there's such a thing). I was so nervous the day he had surgery and felt terrible because I was working and not there by his side.Well a few weeks later, he was sick again. I had to work both jobs that day, but I decided I was driving to Detroit.
How many fathers do we have in our lifetime? How many moms? How many close friends? In the movie "Tombstone," there's a scene where Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) is extremely sick, but he's out willing to fight for/with his friend. So a guy asks him, "Doc what are you doing out here?" Doc replies, "Wyatt Earp is my friend." To that the man replies, "Hell, I got plenty of friends." To which Doc replies, "I don't." By far my favorite line in the entire movie.
I was so caught up in work, that I felt guilty for not showing up for work. That's why I go to work everyday. I don't want to let anyone down...but I'd be letting myself down if I don't spend time with my loved ones. Cherish your relationships. Don't take them for granted, because one day they'll be gone.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Poems by Bax
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Buzz of the Day
I have many goals. One of them was to start this blog. I have also organized a networking group (The Greenmen Group) where we can share resources, support one another, hold each other accountable, and share positive upbeat energy and ideas. (If you are interested in attending and are in the Detroit Area, please let me know). We believe that those are some of the ingredients that translate into success, so we want to create an environment that supports/encourages that. The other thing we have is a passion for community service so we will be organizing community service projects once we decide what direction we have for them. One of my other goals for the year is writing a book of poetry that is loosely autobiographical.
Whew! I said all of that to say this...I was on my way to work a few weeks ago and I was on the phone with one of my mentors. He said, "Baxter, whats up with you?" So I started talking about work and how things are little tough right now, blah blah blah." He cut me off and said, "I didnt ask about them, I asked about you!" Because he knows about the aforementioned goals, he wanted to see how I was progressing. It really blew me away...We get so tied up with our daily grind that we forget about everything else. Next thing you know, we're 85 years old talkin about shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Nobody Cares Kid
What will it take for us to turn these theories into practice? What will it take? We dont all have to have our own businesses to be considered successful. You have your own definition of that. But I believe I need to be more involved in the community, but also expanding my circle so that people from my community can be introduced to things and people that they would normally not have access to. One of our goals with The Greenmen Group is to remove some barriers for those people that come up after us. We all want to leave something for our family. Whether its a "large" or "small" contribution, as long as its positive....thats the only thing that matters. It all begins with activity. It begins with taking the first step...
Ridiculousness of the Day
I read in the Detroit News today that a man kidnapped a 22 year old woman. She knew the guy from somewhere (supposedly), and told him she didn't have a place to stay. She got in the car with the man and he drove her to Toledo, OH (from Detroit). She fell asleep in the car and when she woke up, she was handcuffed and dressed in a diaper! He read Bible passages to her all day I guess. He had an air mattress set up and a whole stock of adult diapers. For 3 days she was in this house until she eventually escaped.
On a web page about three months ago, he posted an e-book. This is a quote:
"Ever since my youth, I have been interested in metaphysical questions. As a result, I have paid great attention to studying and observing a variety of religions, sciences and philosophical schools," I have found answers that I would love to share with the rest of the world. This way the world may benefit from my work or I may be corrected if I am wrong."
LOL...sounds like dude needs to get a blog! I'm just sayin...
Sports Buzz
Thank goodness for Detroit Tigers spring training. With the pistons continuing to lose every night, all I have is the Red Wings right now. Osgood, get your stuff together! Dont ruin this for me!
To Be:
I would love to be any CEO of a company that is projected to make money this year!
Not To Be:
I would hate to be GM and Chrysler as they ask for 21.6 billion...more! Just give me a
half- million!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Buzz of the Day
Bottom line: She has helped me perform better. And normally when she brings certain things to my attention, I agree 100%.
I think most people are okay with doing average work. They dont want their partner to question them, their boss to question them because that just may force them to do something different. Imagine that...Many people say they want to do great things, but we rarely put in the work necessary.
Nobody Cares Kid
Speaking of being great, I have this crazy interest in biographies on the Biography Channel. I used to watch 'E True Hollywood Story' and 'Behind the Music'. As a matter of fact, I love American history...even in school. I love stories...true stories. I love to hear about people's struggles and the adversity they faced to get where they are. I guess a small part of me would like accomplish great things and overcome the obstacles that I've face in my life...Well, a big part of me.
Ridiculousness of the Day
For the record, biographies and reality t.v. are two very different things.
My wife was in class last night so no "24" for me. (DVR'd it so we can watch it together). So I start flippin through channels and I come across the show "I Love Money." Well, the show is a mess! All of these "characters" are trying to be as outrageous as possible to hopefully have their own show one day. So after that show "I love Ray J" comes on. (Ok, so was I cleaning the kitchen while it was on in the living room) It has already been reported that he has gotten one of the girls pregnant on the show! Trust me, that will be the first and last time I watch either one of those shows. At least with Flavor Flav, you really felt like he was looking for love...I'm just sayin'
Sports Buzz
I guess there was a writer for the Associated Press interviewing former Detroit Tiger, Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez. He is at his Miami home, unemployed at the moment. The writers asks him if he's on that list of players who tested positive for banned substances in 2003. Pudge replied, "Only God knows." Actually Pudge, you know too! Makes you wonder...
To Be:
I would love to be President Barack Obama today. Signing that historic bill. Whatever happens, you cannot say the man is not trying.
Not To Be:
I would hate to be Brendan Sokaluk. He is the Australian man they believe started those forest fires that killed 189 people. What makes people do what they do?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Buzz of the Day
I dont have kids yet, so people will say I dont understand. Maybe I dont...But why do people put themselves in debt for one day out of the year? I understand you want to buy something nice for your loved ones, but going broke does nobody any good! I will admit, this was my first Christmas as a married man. I felt a lil pressure. But I also knew (my wife knew too) we didnt have much money. You want to let your kids/significant other/family that you care.
I UNDERSTAND THAT. Reminder: You have to live after that. I think there is so much pressure on us from society to spend money and buy things because thats how you "show people you love them." That bull...
Every day we have breath in our body, we can show our children and everyone else we love them. If your Christmas didnt come with as many toys this year, that doesnt mean that your parents love you less. Or visa versa. But we have to show our loved ones that we care all the time.
A guy that I work with told his wife, "Hey if you really want to do something for me, dont buy me anything!" Not because he didnt want anything. We all like nice stuff, but because he knew she'd spend too much money...and she did! Show your appreciation, but dont go broke doing it.
Are you kiddin' me?
A-Rod will report to spring training on Tuesday. The same day Obama will be signing the stimulus bill...I wonder what the water cooler talk will consist of?
Ridiculousness of the day
My wife and I were at H&R Block for 2.5 hours yesterday! This poor lady (bless her heart), was trying her best but...her best wasn't good enough. We had a couple of things (money from a retirement fund) that we didn't want to screw we figured we'd "Get some people" on our side. When the person doing your taxes has to be corrected by you, not good. She was making so many mistakes, she literally put her head down, put her hand over her face and said, "I'm so sorry." What about the mistakes we didn't catch? We actually paid for that! Shouldn't we have gotten a discount or something? I'm just sayin'.
Sports Buzz
Man, didn' t Shaq and Kobe look happy together last night?(Or this morning if you DVR'd it) It's like seeing your ex, but you're both in a relationship with other people and you realize...Man I wish we were still together. You never know what you got til its gone.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Nobody Cares Kid"
I am this analytical, knowledge seeking, poetry writing cat who happens to look like a regular, clean-cut, Corporate America piece of the puzzle. You want to share you thoughts and the way you look at the world, but nobody cares! Well...a few people do...but overall most people don't care. Unless it affects them directly, they dont have time for it.
Does hard work pay off?
I dont know sometime. We get mad at people who suck up, but I guess that's hard work...I know it's hard work being around it. I understand we all do it to some extent. Whatever you gotta do to pay the bills.
Speaking of bills...damn it's hard out here! Especially in Michigan. I know it's hitting everyone, but Michigan has been feeling it for many years now. I started a job in August and....I havent put one picture up in my cubicle. Why? Because I dont know when my last day will be. Because I work in sales, I cant let those bad thoughts enter my brain. I am on the phone all-day-long. And believe it or not, people can feel negative energy through the phone. (BTW, sorry if I havent returned your call...I never thought I could get tired of the phone, but I have!)
I am working very hard to learn my product, ask questions and build rapport with my clients...Do I need to let more people (inside the office) know how hard I work to keep my job? Or do I need to kiss butt? Especially if my sales are not were I want them to be? Who knows...
A wise man once said, "You can't tell everyone what you are thinking, because they'll think you're crazy." I agree. I have been engaged in a conversation and the other person just gave me "the look." The look says, "Man I was with you up until you said that craziness."
I use poetry as an outlet because...well I don't get those crazy looks!
I want to share my thoughts on everything. I hope you enjoy (if you're out there) and share your thoughts with me as well.
Whatever I'm buzzing about is what I'll share. From my poetry, to my thoughts about the Lions, to politics at my job.