Monday, March 2, 2009

Buzz of the Day

This past Friday was a busy day for me. First there was work...the last "selling day" of the month means everyone is scrambling trying to add revenue at the last minute. There was a man who was fired Friday. It was based on performance so not considered a lay off. This is all info I've heard through the grapevine so take it for what it's worth. Performance or not, it eliminated some overhead. Just my humble opinion...My blog, my opinions!

If you have ever been around those folks that speak of "back in the day" with fond memories, one of the things they loved was the ability to get a job and stay there until they retired.30, 40+ years.

NOT ANYMORE! It's just not the norm these days. We all respect loyalty. That's what our friends, family, and employers want. Do our employers deserve our loyalty? They have chosen us out of the other candidates when we applied. Took a chance on us...we owe them something don't we?

But what about when they decide it's time for us to go? When our number has been called for whatever reason? Do they owe us anything?

As employees, we are in a lose-lose situation. If we decide to leave after we've found another job, employers are upset because they want people that are gonna be here for the "long haul." If they decide it's time for us to go, then they wish us the best of luck in our next endeavor.

Hmmm....Well, let me get back to my busy day on Friday

So after work, we had our Greenmen Group meeting. That is our networking group meeting that we have once a month. Trying to share resources and encourage each other to reach for their goals: whatever they may be. It's not recreating the wheel... I believe it's essential that we surround ourselves with positive people.
We had a very spirited meeting and we got off track slightly. We all had our ideas of how to invest in ourselves as we worked for "the man" everyday. Nobody wants to be told when their last day is going to be, so that motivates some to try and have their own business ventures and develop alternative options for revenue. Everyone can feel the pinch, and we all are in different industries so plan B should be more like B,C,D these days.

Moving on, I went home to pick up the wife and head to Lansing where a good friend of mine was having his "soft opening" of his new nightclub "The Venue." It was a goal he shared with me over a year ago and last Friday was his dream coming true. I am very happy for him. Many people have lofty goals, but many of them die prior to completion. He had a smile ear-to-ear and he should because, with the problems he was faced with, many would have threw in the towel.

So the point I'm trying to make is this: There are people who are victims of this economic crisis; those who are trying to come up with a plan of action to combat it; and those who are still being productive; because they established plans and were diligent in carrying them out.

Nobody has to do it alone. It's okay to play Scottie Pippen to some one's Michael Jordan or Watson to some one's Sherlock Holmes, or Larry/Curly to some one's Moe. (I think you get my point). Network. Share ideas. You don't have to do it all alone. Just make sure you share the vision of the people that are leading this movement. Because basically, we're all carrying out the execution of some one's dream. You have to decide if it is your or not.

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