Monday, April 13, 2009

Consistency and Persistence

Buzz of the Day

It really feels good to be back! I am so excited to be blogging and I really missed it while I was away. I had to take a break to organize some things. I want to have a format that is consistent, so I took some time to step away and get some clarity.

I have mentioned my love for Biographies more than once. Sometimes I wonder what my biography would entail. You want to leave a good taste in people's mouth, but that's not something you do with one good deed. You are who you are when nobody else is around. To treat people right and live right on a daily basis is my goal. It has become more and more clear as I get older...I want to be great! It's so weird to say because you don't hear it often or even expect to hear it. I am slowly but surely working on my legacy and what I want it to be. I have all of these big dreams, but sometimes real life sets in and we stop dreaming big. I pray every night that God continues to keep me focused. I pray for consistency and persistence.

Martin Lawrence had a stand-up routine many years ago where he talked about if he were a boxer. He basically said he wouldn't talk trash (like most boxers do) because if he lost he could say, "I never told you I wasn't going to lose!"

One of the biggest ingredients to success is expectations. For many of us, those expectations come from parents initially; Other family members, friends, and teachers follow. We have to also expect great things from ourselves! That is the part I'm working on. It's not a certain salary per se, it is the feeling that you are doing something you have a passion for and you are exceeding all expectations, yours and others. There are times where you get run down by your day-to-day duties. Your dreams get put on the back burner. Those times are need to be less and less in order for me to feel like I'm living and not just existing

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! I like the new format... But it's funny that you should write this blog, because I've been thinking lately that I need to improve. I often make short term goals that I rarely acheive. They are generally not things that will make a huge impact on my life right away, but I think they will make my life better in the long run. The problem is that I don't follow through all of the time. So I've recently made it a goal to follow through on my goals... but we'll see what happens. I guess I said all of that to say that, being great is hard work, and I agree with what you've written...
