This is a blog dedicated to the less than perfect events in my life and other regular people's view on the world we live in. No corporate sponsors;Just good ole writing from the heart. Have an opinion? Please feel free to share.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Park
This past Saturday I went to the park where I grew, to play some basketball. It had been years since I was there to play and it brought back all types of memories. I basically spent half of my life there. I was always at the park, playing basketball. I learned a lot about life. I learned about the hierarchies of my neighborhood and where I fit in the food chain. The park also helped me deal with immediate pressure. Trash talking, a small audience, game on the line. The great thing about the park was: there was always a next day. You always had the opportunity to redeem yourself. Whether it was the next shot, next game, or the next day, I knew that I'd have another crack at winning or continue my winning ways from the previous day. Much of my quiet intensity and ability to forget a negative experience (but learn from it) came from the park. For that, I'm forever grateful.
Random Buzz
I understand that you have to do a little butt kissing in the corporate world. Most of the time it is not enough to just do your job. Although I understand that, I don't do a good job of "playing the game." The people that I talk to, I genuinely like. Let me get my chap stick ready!
I had a conference call this evening with some of my closest friends. My brother Deon is doing another tour in the armed forces. We decided to get on the phone and just do what we do: Talk trash and reminisce. We had some good times and I pray to God that our times together only get better.
We are having a housewarming this month. I'm excited about opening my home to my friends and family. This has given my wife and my mother-in-law something to plan for this summer. My wife loves to entertain. It should be a good time. The issue is: Who should I invite. There are certain people that you just gotta invite. Then those others folks who never show, but they'd be offended if you didn't invite them. That is very much, not my department, but somehow I am expected to make these important decisions that may dictate who we get invites and/or holiday cards from. Whatever
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Home - As we get ready to return to work, I realized we just finished the second quarter of the year. So I'm taking a few moments to review the proverbial tapes of the first half, attempting to have a stronger finish to the year. I am over 100% of my quota so far this year, and still, I feel I have much to improve on. My wife and I have been in our home since January and houses are ALWAYS a work in progress. No baby on the way...yet and I am starting to feel the pressure my wife has been feeling for a while now. I remember when I was young, being deathly afraid of having a child too young, prior to marriage. Then you get married and the clock starts ticking. And as more of your friends start having kids, the faster the clock ticks.
You know those movies where a team is trying to defuse a bomb? Then they pull the wrong wire and the clock starts to move faster? That's my life. I understand that God has a plan, He doesn't let us in on it and its tough.
Work - August marks my 3 year anniversary at my job and change has been the only constant during my tenure. I started this job thinking this was it! This is where I'd make my mark. I had two job offers in the area and after weighing the options, I chose New Horizons Computer Learning Centers. I am proud of the company I work for, and the training that we provide. I'm not sure how long I'll be there. There has been so much movement, I'm not sure if they'll deem my time is up there before I'm ready for my next challenge.
I have the respect of my colleagues (I believe so anyway), but in our sales business model, hard work doesn't always pay off. Because there are companies that have more of a history with us and have bigger budgets, the sales that are made in that realm don't always tell the whole story.
But how else do you judge a salesperson if not by sales?
I believe at least part of management understands that, but I don't expect any of them to say it aloud. I do believe that I will really make my mark with this org, although history may disagree.
To sum up this all up: I'm in pretty good shape. I beat myself up almost every day about what I could be doing better. That will probably never change. I need to push harder while taking time to appreciate that hard work. At halftime I'd say I'm winning. Only by a narrow margin though. I guess I have plenty of work to do...
Thanks again to those who visit my site. One day the page will be cooler looking, but I'm not sure if the writing will ever improve :-)