Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letter to TSH

Baxter's Buzz

Life changes, and sometimes quicker than a blink of an eye, and days turn into weeks fast. Then you realize that you haven't talked to one of your favorite people in the world for like, months.

I just want you to know that I am very proud of you and the woman you've become. You're wedding, I hate that we cannot attend. Just know that we are praying for you guys and I am excited for the life you two seem to be building together. No relationship is perfect, but you just keep working on it and do your best to demonstrate your love and appreciation for one another (I say this to you as I remind myself of the same thing).

I didn't know any married people when I was young besides Derrick and Lea. I remember everything seeming so perfect and effortless for them, at least that was my impression (This is me as a teenager who didn't spend a ton of time with them). I remember seeing them argue for the first time and it gave me hope that Crystal and I DID have a shot because we argued sometimea too...haha. I was like, "Well, this must be natural."

I'd like for us to spend more time together. I want to get to know Cortez better and spend time with Kennedy too. We're neighbors and I've been to your house one stinkin time! It's totally my fault though. When we were young do you know how excited we'd be if we knew that we'd both have little baby girls, be married and live 5 minutes from one another? What would make for a better script? You are weird, like me (maybe even more weird) and that doesn't always play out well for us. We have so much going on in our brain, dealing with who knows what, that picking up the phone can sometimes be difficult. I get lost in my mind for days at a time, thinking of so may people, yet reaching out to so few. That is on the list of about 2,593,552 other things that I need to work on, although very close to the top. Please know that I love you very much and always will.

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