What a week! A two year old with an ear infection (And all that comes with it like an irritable mommy and daddy!) and all sorts of ridiculousness at work contributed to a hectic week. Last week was one that could've gone downhill very quickly. This was a potential awful, frustrating week that ended up being pretty darn solid *as I pat myself on the back*. A win in my book! It's easy to have a great day when things are falling in place for you. I put a lot of stock in salvaging the days when the balls aren't bouncing your way. If you can somehow "break even" when the day seems lost, my belief is you'll have more days where you end up on top!
You, again? - Why are people always messing with you?? Do you have the worst luck in the world or do you somehow attract a certain type of attention? Have you ever dealt with someone that drama seems to always surround? They're always telling you how someone wronged them, but they omit THEIR role in the situation.
100 - I RESPECT those who have drama and are completely honest that it was (at least) partially their fault. I can deal with someone saying, "Yes, I was a jerk and things took a turn that I wasn't expecting," versus "I don't know why that person (and that person and that person) is treating me like this."
You, again? - Why are people always messing with you?? Do you have the worst luck in the world or do you somehow attract a certain type of attention? Have you ever dealt with someone that drama seems to always surround? They're always telling you how someone wronged them, but they omit THEIR role in the situation.
100 - I RESPECT those who have drama and are completely honest that it was (at least) partially their fault. I can deal with someone saying, "Yes, I was a jerk and things took a turn that I wasn't expecting," versus "I don't know why that person (and that person and that person) is treating me like this."
Honesty with one's self can be sobering (and depressing), but once you get over it can be incredibly empowering. Because your awareness of certain flaws may inspire you to change. Or if not change, at least become more comfortable in your own skin and able to deal with the repercussions of your quirks.
Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.
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