Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter Weekend and Coronavirus

Happy Easter! All the days seem to be running together with birthdays and the Easter holiday. Wifey has done such a great job of tying things together. She made sure there were gifts for Bryce's special day. Things are already ordered for Zara's birthday (later this month) and these spoiled little things actually had Easter baskets! Oh yeah, my birthday is in April too, just to add to the dynamic.

Song of the Day -  'I Wonder' by Kanye West. The wife and I were engaged, sharing one car, and living in Lansing, Michigan at this time. Kanye's Graduation album was the soundtrack to my life that year. I "wonder" a lot in general. I ponder. Mostly looking ahead though (suppression of memories is my thing) and rarely backward. Back in 2007-2008, I wondered what would be next for my soon to be wife and I. Wondered how the f I got to Lansing. And I always, and still do wonder what is next for me and the way I provide for the family. Not exactly sure what the future holds, but I know that this blog needs to be a part of my life! Selfishly, I need to document these thoughts to help me process all of the emotions, thoughts, and ideas. The journaling is therapeutic. The hope is to sleep better! I'm  also choosing to share these things, with the hope of inspiring some of you.

You Gon Hurt Your Back - I'm a decent person with a large number (huge number!) of blind spots. Blind spots, meaning, things that I'm not interested in/or aware that others are interested in. Or just flat out ignorant to.  I am so thankful that my wife keeps an eye on things that are hardly ever on my radar. She adds so much "regular people" shit to my life. Most things don't seem like a big deal to me because I didn't experience them. And if there was any disappointment from the past, I tucked it away and kept it moving.

Defense Mechanisms - That's how I've handled most of the things in my life. It helped me growing up. The suppression. The compartmentalization. I'm sure it kept me from losing my mind as a young person, asking questions that either couldn't be answered or answered with harsh truths that I probably wasn't prepared for. I think about many of my friends and the baggage that we carry. God bless the partners and spouses who love us for us. Baggage and all. If you don't think you have baggage, think again. It's not about who has the most, it's about being empathetic and accepting of your partner's weaknesses. If someone is putting up with your crap, try to be more accepting of theirs.

No Bad Energy - As Wifey talks to her father on the phone, I find myself being torn about how to deal with him. Have you ever found out that someone has a problem with you through... someone else!? Last time I spoke with him, I was thanking him for allowing the kids and I to take the hour trip and visit him. I was killing two birds: Giving my wife a break from us and letting the kids see their PaPa (and vice versa). The rest of the story isn't important, but I thought we had a decent day. Come to find out, he did not see it that way after I left. I'm not in the business of forcing people to share with me. I used to be in that business, but with a few folks that I deeply care for. I learned (the hard way) that either people will care enough about you to share any problems they have with you or they won't. I have plenty of things to be thankful for and plenty of relationships to develop. I can't give much energy to bullshit. I'm ALWAYS open to a conversation, but I'm not playing mind reader.

Grateful - During this pandemic, I have been a little embarrassed by our privilege. We're in such a better position than most, that I feel bad for complaining about certain things right now. That's not to say that we don't have issues, but in the grand scheme of things, life is pretty good. Wifey and I are still working and it looks like we both are in decent shape with our employers. But these kids....they are running us into the ground! Our children spend a lot of time with us generally, but this is different. They need what they need and there's nobody to blame, but I know there's more that I can be doing. Many times, it points to more organization from me. A better plan of attack for each day. But as Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." and that's how most days feel LOL.

Health is Wealth - This covid-19 is the scariest shit imaginable. I'm praying for the entire world's healing and I hope folks are staying home and taking this seriously. To the essential workers, thank you! This is like a bad, scariest ass movie. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost loved ones to this.

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

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