Monday, May 11, 2020

Untitled 5.11.2020

We should have known that after our Mother's Day miracle, that the rest of the day would be a challenge. Bryce woke up around 5am and in his mind, he was up for the day. He pointed out that the sun was coming out and he wasn't sleepy anymore. I tried to explain to my 4 year that it was Mother's Day and it was very important that he got his rest and let mommy get hers. He (eventually) went back to sleep and stayed asleep until close to 10am. I'm not sure what happens in your house, but we're excited to have kids sleep until 8. Bryce proceeded to give us hell the rest of the day...but he did allow us to sleep in. Thanks Bryce LOL

Song of the Day - Untitled 05|09.21.2014 by Kendrick Lamar. The frustration that Kendrick does such a great job tapping into has been one of his calling cards. Kendrick seems to be working through a lot of things and shares with us his unfinished thoughts. "See I'm living with anxiety, ducking the sobriety" is a simple line, but is very telling. There have been many days during this quarantine that I am looking forward to turning on my music once my work day was over, and pouring myself a drink. If I'm being honest, it didn't start since I've been stuck in the house though. There are times that the only solution that I can think of is to temporarily separate from whatever monkey is on my back.  This is why I write. So that I can feel connected to the thoughts that I attempt to suppress. It can be difficult to face, but it is healthy. After that drink, smoke, or whatever you do to duck your sobriety, you still have to look in the mirror and deal with you. Don't let your extracurricular activities become a crutch.

Crucial Conversations - There are times when we allow someone's words or actions to ruin our mood. This may extend for a day or even longer. Why don't we express our feelings to those people in a manner that inspires them to change? Why does it have to be confrontational, passive aggressive, or withdrawal so often? I have an important meeting today with my boss and I have been dreading it! I've been conflicted about how to address a problem that I have. As I write this, I realize what I must do. And it should be applied to anyone that you have a relationship with. Explain to them how their actions make you feel. Start there and allow them an opportunity to respond. The hope is that a respectful and productive conversation can come from it. This won't always be the case, but acting  solely out of  emotion is typically not going to produce the best results. I don't have an issue with displaying composure, but when I feel like my respectful and composed approach isn't be heard that's when my frustration sets in.

Talking VS. Communicating - Communication isn't how composed you are though. It isn't how well you articulate your thoughts. It isn't even the words that you use. It is how you convey your messages to your audience at the time. Always start with composure and try to remain there, but don't be afraid to show emotion. As long as you're be respectful and getting across the message that you want to communicate. Or what good is it? There's an argument to be made that that occasionally (that doesn't mean ALL the time) you need to step outside of yourself to let folks know you're not to be abused. You're nobody's punching bag or doormat. How well you're able to communicate will play a large part in what your future looks like.

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