Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Men Behind the Curtain

Baxter's Buzz

Buzz of the Week - We live in a fast-paced, fast food, social media, ESPN/CNN ticker world.

News is pass along so quickly, it becomes difficult to stay on task.

I believe it almost encourages us to be unfocused, and ultimately keeping us off our path.

I have trouble staying focused. I always have. There is so much going on ALL the time. We have the internet, which is one of the most important things is my life. I use it constantly and work and at home. At my desk and on my phone.

How often do you take a moment to reflect on what's going on in the world? Not the latest Brad Pitt gossip, or who Kim Kardashian is currently dating. I'm talking about what your mayor is doing, what your governor is doing, what the US government is doing in different parts of the world.

How aware are you?

It's like "The Wizard of Oz." There were all of these distractions for Dorothy and her friends, keeping them away from their ultimate goal. We are so busy dealing with day-to-day problems, we aren't paying attention to the "men behind the curtain." The crooked businessmen, shady politicians, the companies behind the television shows that influence our perception are the "men behind the curtain."

Today in Michigan, legislation was passed to grant broad powers to emergency financial managers. Essentially, this allows these "emergency financial managers," appointed by Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder, to eliminate and toss out union contracts, fire officials, and dissolve elected councils and boards (As stated in today's Detroit News online). This would effect communities and schools districts that are operating at a deficit. They can actually disolve local governments, and actually merge these local governments with others if they deem it necessary.

We must all wake up and pay attention. Don't let all of these not important issues, distract you from the major moves that are being made on a daily basis. Pick up a newspaper or look at your world news channels. The events that are going on are shaping our future. Directly and indirectly. Are you even awake? Are any of us?

1 comment:

  1. http://www.eclectablog.com/2011/04/connection-between-michigans-efm-power.html

    So they go into bankrupt cities and sell off all the valuable land to their campaign donors.

    But it is tough to find the facts because Mr. Upton has paid PR firms millions to scrub any facts from places like wikipedia

    The connection between Michigan's EFM power grab, Rep. Fred Upton and Big Oil/Gas
