Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Last Day

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - 39

So tomorrow's my last day at the job I've been at since I moved back home in 2008. I think about my last day at work before moving back here. I packed my car the night before, went to work, then hit the road, headed back to Metro Detroit. The next day I started my new job after spending the night on a futon. Didn't take one day to unpack or get my brain to switch gears. There was no time.

We moved back in August of 2008 and we were in the middle of planning a wedding that was in October. Crazy, right? I know.

So I left a job in Lansing where my boss and I had a mutual respect, worked well together, and were, and still are real friends. Why did I leave then? Why does anyone do anything? Money. A better opportunity. My wife wanted to move back home. The experience I would get would be invaluable. Oh yeah, and the money. I'm not sure if I mentioned that.

I left a comfortable situation where I enjoyed my job and had the respect of my coworkers and my boss. I made the move because I didn't see myself there long term. Not enough opportunity to grow. I saw a wonderful position and jumped at the chance to take it. I go into every job looking for a career. I'm an optimist and truly envision myself having a long career at all of my stops. I am prayerful that I will one day find the right combination.

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