Saturday, November 12, 2011

Simple Saturday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #49

Sitting around today trying to relax today. Watched some football and enjoyed some time with the wife. My cousin came by today. It had been quite a while since we've spoken and he hadn't been by the new house. He didn't even know where I moved to.

Things change as people grow. Most of the time people are not avoiding, just like you're not avoiding them. With jobs and kids and marriage, and everything else, the days can get away from you. Those who don't have as much going on seem to be more upset when visits between friends become infrequent. I've been the friend who gets more upset about things.

I have a small circle of friends who have become my family. Because my circle is so tight, I put a lot of pressure on them. Its not fair, but what is? We all have a responsibility for the relationships that we're a part of. We must choose how active of a role we want to play. Sometimes that means calling when they don't call or visiting when they don't visit. Sometimes you have friends that become closer than your family. And sometimes you have friends that you consider family because you have no other category for them. They were closer than family for years and now they're part of the family regardless of how active they've been in keeping the bond intact.

If you haven't spoken with someone, call or email. Hell, even write on their facebook wall. Let them know that you still care even though you guys don't speak often.

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