Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That's Life Right?

Buzz of the Day

I am working really hard, but after reflecting this past weekend, I realized that I had to get back to the basics. Since I've started my job, things are very different. That's life right? One person's garbage is another's treasure.

Closed have closed for some and consequently some doors have opened for myself. The funny thing about that is...it's the same door! Some people are used to doors being blown open for them. They stroll in and deal with with little to no resistance. Myself, on the other hand, am used to doors being closed and bolted. I've managed to get into my share because of persistence (All praise goes to God). So imagine this person who is used to doors being wide open and imagine me who is used to doors being locked shut; An open door to me is basically a closed door to them. If I see a crack in the door, I'm ecstatic! If they see a crack in the door, it appears closed to them.

That's kinda deep...Two of the most tenured sales people at my job are gone (one has left and the other is leaving very soon). I hate to see them leave because they were two people who actually talked to me. LOL. There are definitely opportunities that have (and that will) opened up because of other people's departures. That's life right? My motto is you bust your tail, work hard and smart, and believe in your abilities and in God. If there are good things that fall into your lap, great. But don't depend on those! Or you'll be in a world of trouble.

There's a saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." I want to work hard for my meat and potatoes and if luck falls my way, that will be the gravy. If you are waiting for luck to be your meat and potatoes, you will starve. Gravy, you can do without. Without meat and potatoes, you'll be thin...and on thin ice.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Before You Had a Chance to Miss Me...

Buzz of the Day

Hello All,

I am so sorry I left you, but...there comes a time in a man's life when...well, that doesn't matter now. What matters is I'm back and I ain't going nowhere!

How was that?

Really, the Buzz of the Day

Welcome to Baxter's Buzz. Trust me, I'm always buzzing about something. I have so many things on my mind and in order to gain some sanity (and preserve my wife's), I have to get things off my chest. Whatever I'm feeling at the time is what I blog about. I hope everyone is enjoying it. If you are, there's plenty more where that came from. Thank you for sharing these experiences with me.

I first want to give a moment of silence for all of those who are no longer with us. Whether they died fighting for our country with one of the armed services, or died fighting for their survival while dealing with the everyday struggle.

May God bless all of those who are no longer with us. You are gone, but not forgotten...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Desperate Times...

Buzz of the Day

Hello All! I know, I know. It has been too long! I need to figure out how to prioritize my time better and I will.

These desperate times calls for some desperate measures. I have just downgraded my cell phone plan. (So FYI-If you're texting me and I don't respond, it's because I don't even received them anymore). I cannot send them and if someone texts me, it will not be received. My next drastic measure...(trying to control my breathing) is my cable. Yes, I'm turning my cable off! I can't remember a time when I did not have cable. However, I had to make a tough decision.

Life is full of tough decisions. In the middle of me writing this, I found out that my wife needs close to 2,000 dollars worth of work done to her mouth. ASAP. I guess with that last sentence, you get my drift regarding sacrifice. Enough said...

The good thing about no cable...more time to blog! Yahooooo! Not Yahooo. Gooooooooooogle!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lie To Me (Part 2)

Buzz of the Day

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe I'm some scientist like the guys on Lie To Me or even a psychic. But I do have strong hunches and I have a pretty good rate of success.

My problem is that I know (most of the time) when someone is full of hot air and they're blowing smoke up my behind. It makes me so mad sometimes, because I just wish I could tell them I know their angle. But I can't

I'm not saying that I always say what's on my mind and I always "keep it real." There are certain people that you have to "play the game" with.

Honest to God, I was thinking about this blog early this morning. My thought was how we treat our bosses. If you're upset with your boss, you probably don't show it. You could be talking all sorts of trash about her at home; she comes to work in a terrible mood; my evaluation wasn't accurate; she didn't hire me for that promotion. You could be mad as hell and then...You see her in the morning and you give her the biggest grin that your lil face could muster!

Well. that actually happened to one of my friends this morning! Currently, she's working part time. She's basically doing full time work w/out benefits. So her boss is always in her face telling her how lucky the organization is to have her and how they are working on making her position full time. He pats her on the back, "Great Job!"

Well...she was out of town for a few days and when she returned she had letter from her organization...She was not getting benefits...this position is remaining part time...

OOOOOOOOH! That burns me up! This is the same guy who speaks to her everyday, his office is right down the hall, and he sends her a letter in the mail?! WTF!

I don't believe in treating people that way...he didn't have the guts to bring her in and talk to her. If you're honest with people, they don't always like what you say, but they'll respect you for it.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Please don't be fooled by people's words. Study their actions. That will be all you need to know.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lie to Me (Part 1)

Buzz of the Day

My wife and I love that show Lie To Me. These people can tell you're lying by studying your "micro-expressions". Those are the small expressions you show when you're lying or telling the truth. They are so small that most people don't pick up on them. Sometimes I think I study people that way.

I've always been observant (to certain things, other things I never notice). I was a really shy and quiet child...many many...many years ago. And I was always around a lot of adults. Therefore, I was to be seen and not heard. Well, seeing and not being able to speak taught me a lot. I'm still quiet to this day. Those of me who know me may not agree, but think about this; When I have something to say I say it, but if I don't have anything to say, I won't. In other words, I'm not talking just to hear myself talk.

I see people who b.s. their way through work, family life, and everything in between. I was told to "never expose a crook" so many things that I notice, I just look the other way. The only thing that bothers me is when they're "bulling" me and I have to sit there and listen.

I will have part 2 of this blog tomorrow.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny Being...

Buzz of the Day

Although I've stopped writing about sports on this blog, I feel the need to address a few things. A co-worker and I were having a discussion just last week about A-Rod. For those who are not familiar with A-Rod. He has signed the two most ridiculous contracts ever in professional sports. ($252 million for 10 years, and $275 million for 10 years).

He admitted taking steroids several years ago...I don't care anymore! I don't care if Shaq is jealous, Kobe cheated on his wife, A-Rod took steroids, or if Manny took steroids...

The days of role models are over. Let me clarify. Role models in the entertainment world. We as humans, do very stupid things. Some of us do stupid things more frequently. I think it's natural. I remember being so disappointed when I heard about Kobe in Colorado. I remember calling my friend (What's up D) and saying, "Do you believe this?" I thought maybe they got some wrong information. Maybe it was a crazy rumor? I was being very naive. My point is that nobody is above stupidity and bad choices. These people get paid tons of money to entertain. Not raise kids.

My opinion is this: People have done many things to get money...if corporate america and every other corner of life. I don't agree with doing wrong, but I understand that there are many people (they may even sign your checks) who do bad things...they've never been caught though.

If a player like A-Rod is taking steroids in order to make millions, it's wrong. What about the executives that signs the checks? The executives that know about the steroids in the locker room. Please don't tell me they didn't know! During the "steroid" era in the early 2000's, is when baseball made it's comeback as America's pastime. But everyone looked the other way because of the money they were making and the popularity the game had regained.

So if a team can pay A-Rod 252 million over 10 years, how much are the really big wigs making?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Tired of...

Buzz of the Day

Hello all! I though I'd just give you a good old fashioned rant today. You ready? Let's do it:

I'm tired of people thinking that the world owes them something; The world is cold, and unforgiving. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. Stop waiting for Santa or the Tooth fairy.

I'm tired of irresponsible people having kids, and those kids becoming irresponsible parents; We end up taking care of the children and their parents. It's a vicious cycle. We are all shaped by the people who are around the most. Many of the children who are born (black or white; rich or poor), never really have a chance because their parents are ignorant, because their parents were ignorant.

I'm tired of people assuming that I'm stupid just because I'm not telling them I know everything; I see many, many things. But I very rarely tell people what I see. I give people enough rope to hang themselves.

I'm tired of people complaining, but not making the effort to do better; Get off your a** and work hard. Take advantage of each day. Every day is another opportunity.

I'm tired of those who feel they can rest because of what they've done in the past; You've heard that song by Janet! What have you done for me lately...It sucks, but you're only as good as what you've done today.

Also my best man (What's up Fud, even though you're probably not reading this) asked me to blog about people on elevators. I don't know what he was talking about. Unless he means...I don't know. Well Fud, here you go! I blogged about it. FYI-I blog about what I'm thinking. Not what you're thinking. Get your own blog ; )

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Customer Retention?

Buzz of the Day

Let me just start with saying I'm not the smartest person in the world. I'm in sales and I believe in customer service. You can't have one without the other.

The lease at my apartment is ending soon. My complex always has a new promotion going. So I called to inquire about how current residents could benefit. I was told that I'd get a lease packet 30 days prior to my lease ending. At that point, I'd see what incentives they're offering me to stay here. I talked to the girl answering the phone and asked if I could speak to the manager. She told me that she'd have the manager call. Well the same girl called me back to tell me that the manager couldn't offer me anything until 30 days before my lease ends. I guess she couldn't call and tell me herself. She was probably busy wondering why there are so many vacant apartments here.

So Saturday, my wife and I looked at an apartment just down the road. It seems like a very nice place. So nice in fact, we wished that we'd move there last year before we moved in here. I guess I'm not as fired up as I was initially so... I don't have anything else to say about that. But this: A bird in the hand beats two in the bush. Take care of those clients, residents, etc., because you owe them that. Look for new customers, but never neglect your current people. Good luck to these people...I'm out!!

Just a piece of advice from Baxter: If you read this and said, "What else could management do?" You need to open your eyes up a little bit. If you're on my side, you are very smart.