Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lie To Me (Part 2)

Buzz of the Day

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe I'm some scientist like the guys on Lie To Me or even a psychic. But I do have strong hunches and I have a pretty good rate of success.

My problem is that I know (most of the time) when someone is full of hot air and they're blowing smoke up my behind. It makes me so mad sometimes, because I just wish I could tell them I know their angle. But I can't

I'm not saying that I always say what's on my mind and I always "keep it real." There are certain people that you have to "play the game" with.

Honest to God, I was thinking about this blog early this morning. My thought was how we treat our bosses. If you're upset with your boss, you probably don't show it. You could be talking all sorts of trash about her at home; she comes to work in a terrible mood; my evaluation wasn't accurate; she didn't hire me for that promotion. You could be mad as hell and then...You see her in the morning and you give her the biggest grin that your lil face could muster!

Well. that actually happened to one of my friends this morning! Currently, she's working part time. She's basically doing full time work w/out benefits. So her boss is always in her face telling her how lucky the organization is to have her and how they are working on making her position full time. He pats her on the back, "Great Job!"

Well...she was out of town for a few days and when she returned she had letter from her organization...She was not getting benefits...this position is remaining part time...

OOOOOOOOH! That burns me up! This is the same guy who speaks to her everyday, his office is right down the hall, and he sends her a letter in the mail?! WTF!

I don't believe in treating people that way...he didn't have the guts to bring her in and talk to her. If you're honest with people, they don't always like what you say, but they'll respect you for it.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Please don't be fooled by people's words. Study their actions. That will be all you need to know.

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