Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Tired of...

Buzz of the Day

Hello all! I though I'd just give you a good old fashioned rant today. You ready? Let's do it:

I'm tired of people thinking that the world owes them something; The world is cold, and unforgiving. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. Stop waiting for Santa or the Tooth fairy.

I'm tired of irresponsible people having kids, and those kids becoming irresponsible parents; We end up taking care of the children and their parents. It's a vicious cycle. We are all shaped by the people who are around the most. Many of the children who are born (black or white; rich or poor), never really have a chance because their parents are ignorant, because their parents were ignorant.

I'm tired of people assuming that I'm stupid just because I'm not telling them I know everything; I see many, many things. But I very rarely tell people what I see. I give people enough rope to hang themselves.

I'm tired of people complaining, but not making the effort to do better; Get off your a** and work hard. Take advantage of each day. Every day is another opportunity.

I'm tired of those who feel they can rest because of what they've done in the past; You've heard that song by Janet! What have you done for me lately...It sucks, but you're only as good as what you've done today.

Also my best man (What's up Fud, even though you're probably not reading this) asked me to blog about people on elevators. I don't know what he was talking about. Unless he means...I don't know. Well Fud, here you go! I blogged about it. FYI-I blog about what I'm thinking. Not what you're thinking. Get your own blog ; )


  1. I just think it's funny to be in an elevator with a uncomfortable silence. You just feel like you need to say something or even a hello just to put a better vibe in there. I was just curious about how you feel about it.

  2. "I'm tired of people complaining, but not making the effort to do better..." I've just oficially made that my #1 pet peeve.

    Thanks for writing that... I needed it. I feel like I just got a lot off of my chest... lol!
