Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny Being...

Buzz of the Day

Although I've stopped writing about sports on this blog, I feel the need to address a few things. A co-worker and I were having a discussion just last week about A-Rod. For those who are not familiar with A-Rod. He has signed the two most ridiculous contracts ever in professional sports. ($252 million for 10 years, and $275 million for 10 years).

He admitted taking steroids several years ago...I don't care anymore! I don't care if Shaq is jealous, Kobe cheated on his wife, A-Rod took steroids, or if Manny took steroids...

The days of role models are over. Let me clarify. Role models in the entertainment world. We as humans, do very stupid things. Some of us do stupid things more frequently. I think it's natural. I remember being so disappointed when I heard about Kobe in Colorado. I remember calling my friend (What's up D) and saying, "Do you believe this?" I thought maybe they got some wrong information. Maybe it was a crazy rumor? I was being very naive. My point is that nobody is above stupidity and bad choices. These people get paid tons of money to entertain. Not raise kids.

My opinion is this: People have done many things to get money...if corporate america and every other corner of life. I don't agree with doing wrong, but I understand that there are many people (they may even sign your checks) who do bad things...they've never been caught though.

If a player like A-Rod is taking steroids in order to make millions, it's wrong. What about the executives that signs the checks? The executives that know about the steroids in the locker room. Please don't tell me they didn't know! During the "steroid" era in the early 2000's, is when baseball made it's comeback as America's pastime. But everyone looked the other way because of the money they were making and the popularity the game had regained.

So if a team can pay A-Rod 252 million over 10 years, how much are the really big wigs making?

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