Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

What's Your Platform?


I am long past due to have a post. I'm actually embarrassed. There's like 15 people (inflated number, I know!) who read my blog, but for some reason I get concerned about offending my political connects. I don't even have any yet!! LOL I am not here to intentionally hurt anyone. I have a perspective that I'd like to share, just like anyone who posts. There are plenty of fools out there sharing their (misinformed) views any chance they get. It's about time that I raise my hand and speak up. 
I was in a conversation with a friend of mine, discussing the responsibility, if any, that LeBron James and other celebrities have to speak on social matters. Their platform is huge and I believe celebrities have the ability to shape the narrative and bring awareness to issues that their fan base may not be adequately informed on. Do they have to? Should they speak up? In my opinion, they have the right to do as much or as little as they want. Another important question is what are we as "non celebrities" doing to bring awareness to our circle of influence?

The issues of racism, classism, and overall social injustice affects us all and dialogue is needed on every level. Whether it's Jesse Williams on the BET Awards or my friends and I at a picnic, dialogue is essential to understanding. Understanding is essential to developing a plan to correct our issues. Acknowledgment is the first step. That's a step that many Americans still need to get to.

We need to stop putting one another in boxes and remember that we're all humans. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of a person's credit history, criminal record or ethnic background. So as a human, I will share my voice with those who appreciate it. My voice is needed (Thanks Unc), not because I'm some superstar athlete, but because I have something to say and there are plenty of people who feel like I do but are waiting for someone like me to articulate it. Well, here I am. This is an important time in our history and I want to not only document my experiences and perspective, I pray that these words will initiate some much needed dialogue between groups of people who don't know enough about the other.

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.