Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Negative Nancy

Buzz of the Day

Last week I was pretty upset because of some double agent/double spy type of stuff going on at work. I can't go into detail because they might be reading...LOL.

Some things were not handled the right way in my view, and couple that with the stress of a tough selling month...I was pretty fired up. It's funny that we know who to talk to when we want to complain. Next thing you know, me and the Negative Nancys were having a great time complaining about what was wrong with the world.

I feel silly just thinking about it now. I take pride in leaving things where they need to be. Meaning if it's in the past, leave it there. But somehow I was caught up in this complaining, moaning, and groaning. So on Monday I was approached by one of the Negative Nancys, trying to rekindle a convo from last week. "I'm done with that." I replied. Nothing else to talk about.

Sometimes we get bogged down by stress and start complaining. If you are not looking for a solution, shut up! If you recognize problems, work on solutions. If you just want to complain and be a Negative Nancy, keep that stuff to yourself. You're bringing everyone down.

I have a relative who complains about their job non stop. This has been for years and years. Whenever I start to complain, I think about this person. "Do I sound like ___." I asked myself. Think about that one person who seems to hate life. Who complains about every-single-thing. Now think about yourself...Are you that person?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Be a Stranger

Buzz of the Day

I want to thank you for visiting my blog. If this is your first time, or you've visited before, I really appreciate it. I've been thinking how I can get more visitors. I've heard good things from those that read it, but how can I get consistent hits?

Regardless of who reads it, I really enjoy it! I didn't start this blog to have thousands of hits per day, but that would be very cool I must admit.

Maybe I won't get consistent hits unless I write politically charged posts everyday. Until I become a polarizing figure because I'm a conservative/liberal. Until I say Obama is ____. Until there is a blog like Ihatebaxtersbuzz.com because I've attacked the Detroit Lions or Tigers. Until I use a racial slur or alienate a group of people. Until I become sexually explicit or curse like a sailor.

But I'm not going there. I am a regular guy (for the most part). I have all sorts of thoughts and I'll share whatever those thoughts happen to be at that particular time.

I am a newlywed. I've just moved back to the area where I grew up. I have a new job that provides a very good deal of stress and reward. I am almost too aware of my surroundings. And my mind never stops. I am extremely hard on myself. I have all sorts of goals. I know there are many things that I've yet accomplished, that I expect to. I don't know what people expect of me, and I don't care. I am imperfect and not proud of it. I am humble, but I have moments where I believe I am the best thing since sliced bread. Those moments are coupled with moments where I am kicking myself for not doing more. I want to be remembered as a person who changed lives, if only one. I want to inspire other "regular folks" to strive to do more. I want to collaborate with wonderful minds to make a difference.

As you can see, I have a lot going on. Please continue to read my blog. Don't be a stranger. And don't be selfish. If you like my blog, maybe someone else you know will too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Buzz of the Day

I was watching the Michigan State Notre Dame game this weekend and the score was 14-3 (actually it was 13-3 because Notre Dame missed their extra point). It reminded me of last week when the Lions were down to New Orleans 14-3.

Michigan State continued to fight and actually had the lead in the 4th quarter (although they lost). The Lions ended up losing by a ton of points. This is my point: Even if you are down in the game and it doesn't look good, you have a chance.

Games change on one play sometimes. If you are down 14-3, you can score a touchdown and only be down 14-10. But you can also give up another touchdown and be down 21-3. Your outlook will determine how the remainder of the game will go.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Can You Do That Again?

(Throwback)Buzz of the Day

Please enjoy this throwback blog from May:

I was feeling pretty guilty for taking so long between blogs. I normally blog everyday (I will again because I don't have cable), but lately that hasn't been the case. Two of my friends who follow this blog, have started blogs. (I would shout them out, but I don't know if they're gonna keep it up). My one friend has blogged only once and he's out of work right now.

It's cool to do things, but people always want to know if you can maintain that level and do them again. "Nice shot, but can you make it again?"Or, "That was a huge sale you made. Can you do that again?" The funny thing is, if they don't actually say it, you know that they're thinking it. That has been the most scary thing about my job. I've increased my sales for the last 4 months, which is cool. But I want to have 10, 15, 25 straight years of great performances! I want to do well consistently. I want people to be able to count on my production and what I bring to the table monthly/quarterly/yearly.

I was voted employee of the month for April. I haven't made much fuss because that's not what I do. A friend of mine insisted that I blog about it, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to share. I'm glad I did though because this is all me. Whatever I'm going through, good or bad, I'll share. Sometimes I'm more comfortable sharing bad news because when you share good news, people are trying to pick you apart. "That was a lucky shot." "You had a great selling month, but so did everyone." And if they don't actually say it, they're thinking it.

So I am employee of the month for April. It's nice to be recognized because we all want to receive some sort of recognition. The thing that drives me is...I want to do it again. And when I do...I want to do it again. I want to make sure I'm able to take care of my wife and my kids when they get here. I don't want to have the one great season. I want to have ridiculous numbers and win championships every year (That was a sports metaphor).

The Fish Ain't Bitin'

Buzz of the Day

I heard a song today that I've never heard in my life. It's by Lamont Dozier called "The Fish Ain't Bitin." The chorus really struck a chord with me:

I'm out here fightin, hungry

The fish ain't bitin'

Life's so frightening

I'm out here stumbling

Broke and crumbling

And nothing's happening

And aye, aye captain

Very interesting. That's how many people feel everyday. Especially these days. I thought it was very fitting for me, being in sales. And when the fish ain't biting, what can you do?

We are approaching a dramatic change to what we do at New Horizons. I say dramatic, but I don't know exactly what will. I imagine it to be somewhat drastic. My manager talked about being a championship team, but I don't think everyone has bought in. Trust me, I'm in. I want to do great things! And when I achieve these great things, that can only be positive for the company I'm employed by.

If the fish ain't biting, I will go after them. I gotta dive in the water with a net, because bills gotta be paid.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Buzz of the Day

I've been missing in action for the pass couple of days, because the things that I have on my mind can't be shared with everyone. Much of it has to do with work, and I may be crazy but I ain't stupid. Just some things that I've realized, but if you've read previous posts of mine, it's nothing ground breaking or new.

I like my job. Truly. I am very thankful for this opportunity. There are people that I work with that seemingly have no appreciation what-so-ever. It doesn't bother me until their performance affects the "bottom line" at work. And that affects me. In sales we all do our own thing kinda. But at the end of the day, we're on the same team. I guess the bottom line is: I want these people to work harder or find another job! I don't care if they appreciate their job or not.

Times are tough, and most people could complain about at least one thing. I think these complaints are probably legitimate. I also believe that there are many things to be thankful for. If you are reading this blog, you should be thankful. There were people who had plans to read something today. Maybe a blog. Maybe another online publication...but something. And those people didn't make it.

If you have breath in your body, you have another chance! You have another opportunity to right wrongs, heal wounds, and apply what you've learned from the past.

I don't hear it much now (because I try not to be around these people), but I can't stand when someone says, "That's just me. I can't help it." That statement means that you acknowledge that you should be doing something different, but refuse to because "that's just you."

That's terrible. Know better. Do better. Point blank. By you making changes, maybe someone will be inspired. They'll think, "Well if Baxter can change, maybe I can." Maybe it's your children, nieces, or nephews. And if nobody else decides to change. So what?! You've done your part. That's what's most important.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

With the first pick...

Baxter's Buzz

I watched a lot of the NFL draft this weekend. These young men's lives were changed when their names were called. Wow! One day, you're a former college kid, the next day, you're a rich, rich guy... I started thinking how cool it would be to know at a particular moment your life has changed (financially). Do us regular folks have one defining moment like that?

I think some of us do have moments like that. Just not on that large of a scale.

Our moment comes when we're staying late and the boss walks out of the office at the same time and acknowledges us.

Our moment comes when you have a presentation and you knock it out the park. Our moment comes when we're recruited by a fortune 500 company.

Our moment comes when we are offered the vice president position.

Our moment comes when we decide to go back to school, start our own business, or apply for that dream position; thats when we make our own moment.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Changes Are Coming

Buzz of the Day

This morning I'm up and ready to go. I hear there will be some changes at work. The leadership will "huddle up" and determine what stays in regards to ideology. And maybe even who stays.

I feel good about the work I'm putting in, although it doesn't always show in results. Some people have the results with empty effort attached to it. How does management know the difference? Sometimes I look around and think, "They have to know that so and so is a ____." But then sometimes I doubt if they know. And then I realize that I really don't care.

I want everyone to succeed at my job because that means that the company is doing well. There was a girl who had a big deal close yesterday and I was genuinely excited. I was telling a co-worker about it and they were very salty. "I wish it was me." is what they said. "Well maybe her deal keeps you with a job another month." I replied. "I've never thought about it like that." Was their answer.

Of course I want to be the best! I want my bosses to know that I work very hard. I don't want to bring anyone down...necessarily. If they are comparing my performance with someone else, and that person seems to be slacking, oh well. But under no circumstance do I see myself going out of my way just to hate on somebody. I think that most people hate on others because it keeps the attention off of what they're doing...or not doing.

Yes, I want a bigger piece of the pie. But I also have a set of expectations for myself. I truly feel I'm heading in the right direction. Last month was so difficult because my numbers were down. And I had been extremely consistent for several consecutive months. What can you do? Jump back on your horse and keep riding. Just know, things are changing all the time. From expectations to the way in which you go about achieving those expectations.

Self evaluate. Make changes were needed. And if you don't, they will be made for you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It All Starts With an Idea

Buzz of the Day

Yesterday, I talked about us citizens who've voted these people into office. Our voices together, along with organization can do great things. But it takes so much effort. Effort that we feel can be used doing "other things." Well, those other things become surfing the net, watching television, and sitting on our behinds.

We all have some influence. But we'd have much more if we coordinated and worked together. These words that you're reading ain't ground breaking at all. But sometimes we need to be reminded of those simple things.

There is a new girl at my job. We spoke briefly yesterday. Just small-talk about the radio. I told her that we hear the same songs all day long. She said, "Well, what have you guys done? Have you written a letter or sent an email?" I said, "Actually, we've sent a couple of emails." That seemed to satisfy her because she replied, "Well, good. I hate when people complain about something, but they don't do anything to change it." And that comment seemed to satisfy me!

There are so many "back-seat drivers" and "Monday morning quarterbacks". Criticize from afar, but they don't have the guts to change. Or even make steps toward change.

It all starts with an idea. Then a plan has to be developed. Then action. Rinse, and repeat as often as needed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fair Weather Fans?

Buzz of the Day

Happy holidays...again. I'm going through some sort of holiday hangover so I apologize for not posting consistently. I'll be back everyday...I promise.

As you may or may not know, Detroit Lions fans are buzzing about the new quarterback, Matt Stafford. One of the radio guys spoke yesterday about he didn't like the selection of Stafford, but he'll be rooting for him because Detroit needs a winning football team. I thought he made a great point. But it got me to thinking: Are Republicans rooting for Obama to fail so they can say, "I told you so." I think the answer is yes for many of them.

If they most qualified candidate in my opinion happens to be a Republican, I'll vote for him/her. If the person that I vote for doesn't win the election, I will be behind that person and this country regardless because: WE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!

I don't think people think of it that way. We are all affected by what happens, not just the Democrats or just the Republicans. We should question things that we don't think is right, but we should keep an open mind. We put these "public servants" in office, but at times, we forget. And many times, these government officials, all the way to the local level forget it was us who put them where they are. Power to the People! Speak up. Ask questions. We are in this together and are main goal shouldn't be to wish failure on our government, regardless of who has the majority vote in Congress.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Outside Influence

Buzz of the Day

Happy holidays to all. I've been thinking about this topic for a while, but I didn't know how to put it into words: Are there people who are directly/indirectly affecting your life, but they have no idea? Normally it's one of friend's boyfriend/girlfriend. They put this person through so much drama, that it affects your relationship with your friend. Well, I have one that is slightly different. My mother-in-law is dating someone and I have to hear about every time he does something, because my mother-in-law tells my wife.

He seems like a decent guy. I've met him several times. But now, I don't really like the guy! He's made some critical comments about me to my mother-in-law. Nothing too bad. I figure, he's an old guy, and that's what old people do. They question things, so it never bothered me. But when he says things or does things that upset my wife's mom, then I have a problem. Because my wife hears about it, and then I have to hear about it.

I saw him a few weeks ago and I tried to be polite, And I was. But I think he felt some of the resentment that I have for him. This guy has no idea of the crap I have to hear about because of him. And more importantly, my wife's mom is s wonderful person and I don't like when she's not being taken care of.

How do you treat someone when you know things about them that you shouldn't? We all are far from perfect, so you can't hold that against them. But once you know something, how can you act like you don't? I don't know if there really is a right answer.

I understand that I'm flawed. Trust me. I beat myself up all the time. I guess the bottom line is this: I will do my best to treat everyone with respect, because I make mistakes every day. As long as they show respect to me and my loved ones, that's all one can ask for. You don't know what people do behind closed doors, and if you do know... it's okay. As long as they're not abusing people, killing, or committing some other crime, I'm going do my best to be cool.

We shouldn't be upset about who others are dating, it's they're choice. If they are okay with it, so be it. I have my own home to worry about.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Take Care of your Business

Buzz of the Day

Recently, I talked about having balance. Having other things going on so you don't feel so bogged down by that "one thing" in your life. I talked about doing things outside of work to obtain/maintain some balance.

Another thing that is extremely important is knowing your business, and taking care of your business.

These are two different things: Knowing your business at work is vital. You need to have an understanding of what goes on at your place of employment. I'm an account executive. I have a "book of business" that I manage. It is an absolute must that I understand the organizations that I provide training solutions to. How can I recommend a solution if I don't understand their business needs? I also must understand how things work within my own organization. From an operational standpoint, I must know the expectations of everyone.

Understand your business! Don't come in there with tunnel vision, because you will be lost regarding the grand scheme of things. Learn as much as you can. That's how you improve your performance and make yourself more valuable, and maximize your experience.

The second part of that is taking care of your own business. I will work all day, completing/submitting proposal for clients, making phone calls, and attending meetings. But when I get home, I don't feel like blogging or working on other projects not associated with work.

Not cool...We have to set aside time to do things that we need to do for ourselves! When you hear those financial advisers, they talk about "paying yourself first." The same thing applies to ventures outside of work. Dedicate time to yourself as if you were working for yourself. It sounds simple enough huh? However, we neglect ourselves and break our back for our employer.

I wrote a few lines in 2002 that explain it very well:

Promises are the hardest when they're made to ourselves,
But we break our back for the man cuz we gotta pay the bills.

The moral of the story is this: Stay on top of your game. Know what you're doing at work so you can understand the big picture, not just your picture. Take time for yourself and if you have projects away from work, give them the same effort as you would if it was for work.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do You Ever Wish?

Ridiculousness of the Day

Man, this is a great story: The Associated Press that a 61 year old man, annoyed with a crying baby in Wal-Mart slapped the 2 year old 4 times! He told the mother of the child who was crying, "Shut that baby up, or I'll shut her up myself." After he hit the baby at least 4 times, he said, "See I told you I'd shut her up."

How many times have you wanted to do the same thing? I always think the parent should be hit because he/she is allowing this. But you don't go around hitting some one's baby! That old man needs to get a whooping after that though. Funny. Very funny but wrong. : 0

10-year Reunion

Buzz of the Day

Man o Man... I'm having a problem. I had second thoughts about sharing this post. I didn't want anyone to read it and be persuaded. But this is what I'm buzzing about:

I have been looking forward to my reunion. I think it will be good to see people, network, and all that good stuff. But when I realized that it would be $50 per person or $100 per couple, I really was forced to evaluate how high of a priority it is.

The good thing is I can afford the $100 for my wife and I. I just know many other things that could go towards. With the sacrifices that we've made with cable and all that stuff, it seems a little foolish. I've gone back and forth with the decision. One of my good friends is on the planning committee and he believes there are those looking forward to seeing me. I'm sure there are a few, because there are a few people that I'd like to see (actually many more than a few). I just don't think it would be life or death for anyone. As a matter of fact, I know it wouldn't be.

We've made many sacrifices in the Hall household! I don't have cable for the first time in my life, just to name one that people can identify with.

What does this $100 dollars include? 2 diners and and 4 drinks for 2 people...In my opinion, not enough to warrant $50 per person. Especially these days. Part of me feels guilty for considering skipping this thing. There are just things that we'd like to add to our apartment that seem more important to me.

I think about going to this thing, and talking to the people that I already talk to frequently. I think about trying to see so many people and chat, that I end up neglecting my beautiful wife, and essentially paying $100 for my wife to be mad at me.

I also think about seeing wonderful friends that I haven't kept in touch with. Networking and redeveloping friendships that were lost 10 years ago. I think about the memories of this particular night and the memories that we'll share from high school. I think about finding my next business partner! All great things. But how much is that worth? What do you think?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What is Friendship Worth?

Buzz of the Day

What sort of thing can end a friendship? Money? Women? What about accusations?

We have basically one neighbor in our apartment building. Just so happens that my wife and our neighbor went to the same high school. She seems like a nice girl. Her and my wife didn't remember each other from school, but they had mutual friends.

They started to become close that she asked my wife to check in on her kitten while she went out of town. My wife went into our neighbor's apartment to feed the kitten and when she had packages (she always has something coming from online shopping) my wife would put them in the kitchen.

Everything went well the first time, but the second time she asked my wife to check on "Annabelle," there was a certain package that never came. UPS told our neighbor that the package was left at the apartment...So she asked my wife about it. My wife didn't see a package, and was pretty offended by the question.

Can you blame our neighbor for asking? I don't think so. Can you blame my wife for being offended? Nope....So where do we go from here?

Well, a pretty uncomfortable meeting anytime they meet in the hallway. It's obvious things are not the same, but how does one repair this relationship? It takes one person to apologize. One person to say, "Hey we should talk." But if the relationship didn't get a chance to really grow, so now, it's nothing. There wasn't enough history. The foundation wasn't strong enough. No more invites to the bar. No more visits to see how things are. And definitely no more checking on Annabelle.

Are you being the stubborn one in broken friendship? Are you able to repair things with a call, but too proud to do so? We've been here for just over a year, so the bond between my wife and our neighbor hadn't been created.

But we treat family and good friends that way sometimes, and those bonds are from 10's of years.

I guess the question is: What's it worth to you?

BTW, my wife didn't steal her package. And no I don't know what ever happened...LOL