Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Whoever Shows Up

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #31

I just want to state for the record: This is my 31st day in a row blogging (Patting myself on the back). I have stayed the course so far and I am pretty proud of me :-)

Phone Deprivation - This is my first day and second night without a phone. Very weird feelings throughout the day. I kept feeling like I was missing something...and I was, I just couldn't get to it right away.

Whoever shows up - Some of my friends came out tonight to celebrate me leaving my old job. These are all people I've worked with and I am truly humbled by the turnout. At one point I thought, "I wonder who will show", but that is a waste of energy. My wife's Granny (RIP) would always say, "Whoever shows up are the people that were supposed to show up." I couldn't agree more. As I sit around as the "new guy" at work this week, I think about leaving a position where

I was one of the more tenured folks. These people think (some of them anyway) that I'm there because I needed a job. Not so fast, my friend. I see an opportunity for me to succeed. That is why I am here. I am not just happy to be there. I am there on a mission!

Back to my friends: I really want to thank you all for showing up. If you could not attend, no hard feelings. I understand that things happen. I just hope that I can stay in touch with them all.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Toughing It Out

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #32

I don't remember how life was without a cell phone. Well, actually I do, but its hard for me to remember anything before pagers. I think about mapquest/gps, email/texts, facebook/twitter and how people managed without these things. Did they have to talk to their children more? Maybe even talk to their parents?! How did we survive without knowing everything that was
going on everywhere every second of the day?? Hard times, huh? (haha)

My phone decided it was time for me to replace it. But until then, I have no loaner phone. I have the option of getting one and it may take up to 5 days for my new phone to arrive at the store. I am strongly considering just going without one. Spend some more time writing. More time thinking. And more time praying during this period and see how things play out.

I just may finish writing my first book, read my first book in some time, or at least make some significant progress towards both of those goals. Part of me is almost scared to not have a phone, but the other part of me is excited at what comes out of it.

Wish me luck.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Prove It!

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #33

My first day at work today started pretty rough. I came outside of my house to find a flat tiren on my car. Of course the gas station that I went to initially, had no air! Now it could have been one of those days where I didn't see something that was in my face (It wouldn't be the first time), but I don't think they had a freakin' place for air!

An old lady yelled at me while I was in the second gas station, buying some fix-a-flat, then later apologized. Not to mention that I-696 was crazy as usual this morning and I wondered if I would be "that guy" making an excuse for why I was late on my first day at my new job.

Prior to that craziness I was one facebook, early this morning, arguing about religion with some people who don't believe in God. The Bible talks about arguing with Needless to say, it was a losing battle. So I made it to work and everything went fine...until I found my car tire flat again. I was hoping to have just a slow leak, instead I found a nail in my tire. Luckily I was very close to a Discount Tire.

This gentlemen told me about my two front tires (Neither of them had the nail) that were balder than bald! There were actually starting to come apart on the sides. With me driving on the freeway, it could have gotten really ugly really fast. I ended up replacing those tires, spending money that I didn't wanna spend.

Oh yeah, I went to get a burger while they fixed my car, only to spill ketchup on my sweater! Once they were finished, I was an hour late to class.

Yeah, one of those days...

As I decided to cut my losses and head home, the weather was getting bad. It was very rainy and difficult to see. I even saw a couple of accidents on my route home. I thought about how my tires were just a bump away from disaster, and while driving in these crappy conditions, I started to smile. I could have been one of the cars on the side of the road, or worse yet, in a ditch.

Back to Facebook - This morning as I said my parting shots to my facebook "friends", I mentioned that the believers see God in everything. Those who don't believe will try to poke holes in the faith that they cannot wrap their brain around. One guy commented, "Baxter, I have two words for you: prove it". A day like this strengthens my faith, while I'd never be able to "prove it", I know it to be true in my heart. And that's all that matters.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #34

As I continue my streak of consecutive posts, I think about how many changes that have occurred in my life since I started my blogging streak on October 31. I am truly blessed to have a good head on my shoulders and I am thankful for God's grace, even when I don't deserve it.

There are times when I want something from Him that is very specific. When He doesn't deliver when I want Him to, I get frustrated. But I have to stop myself and remember everything He HAS provided.

I have sat around pretty much all holiday weekend in the house that I purchased close to a year ago. When I was coming up, I didn't know many homeowners. I didn't know many married people. Hell, I didn't know many people who went to a job each morning. I really didn't know what dysfunction within a family was until I started comparing my upbringing with The Cosby Kids. Not a fair comparison.

I am blessed to have friends to lean on to help me through these unfamiliar circumstances. I knew what to expect when looking for a home because I had friends who purchased home before me. I had friends married before me. Now whenever God (ahem) blessed my wife and I with a child, I have friends to lean on with that also.

I am nowhere near where I expect to be in 5 years, but I am appreciative of my current position. My goal is to help children understand that there's more to life than what they see everyday. I want them to strive for more than they've seen done. I want to introduce them to occupations that they may not be familiar with. Expectations are paramount when it comes to achievements and I want to remove the ceilings of their limitations so that there is nothing they feel is beyond their reach.

I thank God that I have made it this far. I know many that were brought up like me who didn't make it and I want to improve the statistics. The children are our biggest resource and we must invest in them if we want our future to be bright. We owe it to ourselves to invest time and/or money into the next generation.

Now I need to figure out my plan of action for the new year and how to invest in our future.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What Did I Do?

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #35

I remember when I announced my engagement to my friends and acquaintances. Some congratulated me. Others said, "Don't do it". Others told me to stay single as long as I could. "Women are never happy and can't be satisfied".

I've been married for 3 years and I'm not sure how I feel about marriage sometimes. It A LOT of work! I'm not interested in other women. I don't believe another woman could truly come between my wife and I. My issue is with the amount of work it takes.

I'm really not sure if my wife will be completely happy. I'm not sure if I will, but I would like to think that I have less concerns about my happiness and more concerns about HER happiness. Are women ever happy?

A friend of mine made some mistakes in his marriage. Not "cheating" per se, but he did entertain the thought and has been in the doghouse with his wife every since. It almost appears that she's enjoying being mad at him more than she enjoys being WITH him. Is this something that she'll get over? Or will she keep this incident locked and loaded for times when she has nothing else to rag on him about?

It can be an exhausting task keeping your woman/wife happy. Do women feel the same way about us? Is there some common ground; somewhere in the middle that we can agree on?

Ladies, I am really interested in what you have to say. Do you feel like you complicate things? Do you feel like men are never satisfied?

Gentlemen, please feel free to chime in as well.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Rest and Relaxation

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #36

I have enjoyed my break so far and I'm looking forward to two more days of rest and relaxation before my new job starts on Monday.

As I think about this new opportunity, I get excited. No preconceived notions from anyone, just a clean slate. On my last day of work this week at my new job, I spent a lot of time with the newest member of the sales team. I enjoying teaching and passing along my knowledge to those who appreciate it. I have a lot to offer and I am hopeful that I will get more chances in my new role to eventually mentor some of the less tenured folks.

Teamwork is important and even during my interview, I felt good about the two managers and was able to pick up some positives vibes from them. So as I chill and enjoy my house and my wife, I have one eye on Monday. I'm sure the situation won't be perfect, but the next perfect situation that I encounter will be my first. Perfection isn't realistic, but making the best out of every situation is very doable. I hope that I can keep my enthusiasm. Fingers crossed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #37

First Things First - As I sit here, full on Thanksgiving dinner that my wonderful wife prepared, I am happy and a little sad. Thanksgiving marks the 1 year anniversary of my sister-in-law being murdered. RIP Fredricka. You produced 3 wonderful children and your legacy will continue on with the kids.

Kiss the Cook - Wifey wanted to cook a full meal (as usual) especially to celebrate our first Thanksgiving in the new house. We ended up with more company than anticipated, but we are blessed to have enough room in our home and food in our kitchen. Wifey also made desert. Everything was good. Kiss the cook.

Toothless Lions - As I watched the Detroit Lions today, trying not to have my day ruined with their ineptness, I asked myself what that team is missing. I watched Aaron Rodgers dissect our defense and wondered if Matt Stafford has/will ever have that type of grasp of his offense and skill. Later in the day I watched Tony Romo follow a great play with a dumb play and I can imagine Cowboys fans' frustration. Is this what Lions fans have to look forward to?

Thank You - I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend. You probably feel things can be better, but take time to think about you're thankful for. Thanks again for reading. Make sure you login to become a follower.

5 Things (Bar Night Edition)

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #38

These are 5 of the thoughts that crossed my mind while hanging out on the (allegedly) biggest bar night of the year.

1. I really enjoy hanging out with new people. Its nice to know a variety of folks, because the world has more types of people than those you typically hang out with.

2. Just because you haven't spoken with someone (besides facebook) since high school doesn't mean you don't have things in common.

3. Love is crazy, but lust is even crazier. When you're pursuing or dating someone, make sure you have similar intentions.

4. I have coworkers than genuinely like me. I had fun tonight hanging with friends from a million years ago AND some coworkers that I've only known for a little while. Good times.

5. I love my wife. There were many pretty girls out tonight and there's no way I'd trade the Mrs.for any random chick. No matter how hot she may be.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope it is safe and fun for you and yours. God bless.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Last Day

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - 39

So tomorrow's my last day at the job I've been at since I moved back home in 2008. I think about my last day at work before moving back here. I packed my car the night before, went to work, then hit the road, headed back to Metro Detroit. The next day I started my new job after spending the night on a futon. Didn't take one day to unpack or get my brain to switch gears. There was no time.

We moved back in August of 2008 and we were in the middle of planning a wedding that was in October. Crazy, right? I know.

So I left a job in Lansing where my boss and I had a mutual respect, worked well together, and were, and still are real friends. Why did I leave then? Why does anyone do anything? Money. A better opportunity. My wife wanted to move back home. The experience I would get would be invaluable. Oh yeah, and the money. I'm not sure if I mentioned that.

I left a comfortable situation where I enjoyed my job and had the respect of my coworkers and my boss. I made the move because I didn't see myself there long term. Not enough opportunity to grow. I saw a wonderful position and jumped at the chance to take it. I go into every job looking for a career. I'm an optimist and truly envision myself having a long career at all of my stops. I am prayerful that I will one day find the right combination.

Monday, November 21, 2011

New Gig

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #40

As I think about my next career move, I have no real anxiety. I'm excited at the chance, and very much looking forward to what's next. I remember starting this current job and nobody really speaking to me. It was actually kinda funny. I figured that salespeople came and went so quickly there, it didn't make much sense to get familiar with someone who was probably on their way out. My wife and I actually joked about how I couldn't even get a "God bless you" when I sneezed. Its a room full of cubicles for goodness sake! Ah, the good ole' days.

I've always been friendly and never really took the blatant behavior personally. Actually, when folks did start to speak to me, I wished most of them had never said one word. The sales team is much more friendly now than when I started over 3 years ago. I'd like to think that part of that is because of me. I've always extended myself to the new people. But also, the current team isn't full of jerks like it once was. Just a few. Hey, it wouldn't be sales without a few know-it-all, "I'm better than you", jerks.

The amount of money someone makes doesn't impress me. I'm impressed with genuine people that have thoughts and views that I share and those who have much different thoughts, but can communicate those respectfully. If I ever decide to run a business, I will encourage a friendly environment and will not tolerate pompous a**holes, regardless of how many widgets they sell per quarter. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. I will encourage teamwork, camaraderie, and I'll focus on mentoring and building leaders from within. I guess that's all I have to say about that.

I want to say thank you to all of those who continue to check out the blog. It really means a lot. I am proud of myself for posting everyday and I love the fact that you guys actually take the time to read it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lessons from Kevin Smith

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #41

Some chances appear to be clear cut "second" chances, but we have chances everyday. Kevin Smith from the Lions was literally on his couch 3 weeks ago as an unemployed football player. He worked out 5 days a week, for several hours per day waiting for his phone to ring. When asked what his routine was back home in Florida was, Smith replied, "Wake up at 7, kiss my son and go work out. Come back at 12 and play with my son". Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

We think about the actual chance when he was given a chance to workout for the Lions, but if he doesn't put in the work prior to that workout, he has no chance of success. Kevin Smith had his best game ever today with over 200 yards and 3 touchdowns. Your next "chance" may not be on national television, but everyday you will have a chance to improve upon your situation.

Congratulations to the Detroit Lions for winning another game. Please don't play with my emotions on Thanksgiving afternoon by getting down early to the Packers.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Make Your Next Move Your Best Move

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #42

I really appreciate those who check in periodically to read my randomness. I'd love to have a million hits daily, but I'd rather have the handful of daily visitors who truly enjoy my postings.

I am starting a new job very soon and I'm very excited. I have been with my current employer for over 3 years and I am forever grateful for the chance to prove myself. They've hired some real clowns over the years, but right now, the sales team is the strongest in time I've been there.

I've enjoyed talking trash and competing with those folks over the years. Are there people that I don't really care for? Sure, but why waste time talking about them?

There was a woman at work who completely lost her cool and gave everyone, including the CEO, a piece of her mind. That's not my style. Regardless of how much truth there was to her claims, ultimately no real good comes out of it. It does however, let the rest of us "professionals" (or chickens) to live vicariously through that person. I think people are so used to saying things that are not true and getting away with it, they are taken aback when someone calls them out on it. I have so many plans and I am ready to start this next chapter in my life.

I pray that this move is beneficial, but ultimately, attaining my college degree is my goal. I will continue to go to school until that goal is achieved. I have made things quite difficult for myself with this "uneducated" tag I have. Sometimes talent alone isn't enough to get a chance and I am blessed to be making another move with a team that recognizes what I bring to the table. Hopefully my next move is my best move.

Week in Review

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #43

Poem by Bax

Crazy week baby
Baby are you there?
New opportunities arrived, at first weren't there
We grinded, cried, and prayed all week
They prey on the weak
But they're not preying on me
Consistently striving, waiting on results
Please remain patient the jury is still out.
And as this week ends and we turn the page, God willing we have more trails to blaze.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5 Things on Thursday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #44

These are 5 of the thoughts that ran through my head during work today:

1. How should you treat new people when they arrive? Should you treat them like you were treated? Or should you treat them worse/better? If you're in sales, do the same rules apply?

2. Do leaders produce a great team or does a great team produce great leaders? A coach can only get so much out of the talent they have. If you're in sales, do the same rules apply?

3. When you leave a job you should leave there with at least one friend you didn't have when you started. If you're in sales do the same rules apply?

4. Respect and professionalism go a long way. People notice, believe it or not.

5. If someone only speaks to you when others are around, but have nothing to say when you see them alone...they don't care for you. Or they may believe you don't care for them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 Sides of a Coin

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #45

As long as you're alive, there will be obstacles. My last post was about opportunities. There are opportunities disguised as failure. a friend of mine was let go from her job today. she may consider that a failure, however, there are experiences that will prepare her for the next job.

Another friend of mine entered an agreement with his employer about 6 months ago. The plan was for him to work as an independent contractor and eventually hire in. Well, as he started to work with these folks, he learned some things that he wasn't thrilled about. It is probable that he and this organization will part ways sooner than anyone had expected. Some would view this as failure, however, he AND the employer has benefited from this partnership. It has truly been a win-win regardless of how it ultimately ends.

Understand your role with your employer. Understand that the employer may not share your opinion on the value of you and your particular position. The experience, money and any additional perks are what you receive in exchange for your work. Make the most of those things before it is too late. Because you may not be aware of their plans.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Is It?

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #46

Opportunity knocks everyday. We have to keep our ears to the ground for it. Every opportunity isn't a good one though. We have to be selective and prayerful when we're deciding if this is right for us. Sometimes we are so excited for AN opportunity to present itself, that we end up taking ANY opportunity.

Eye of the Beholder - Today's taco can be tomorrow's taco salad. Your donation can be my living room sofa. Every pretty girl is some one's ex-girlfriend. Pay attention. I read somewhere recently that "The grass can be greener if you take time to water it!" Don't be afraid to leave what you have, just be sure that you've done all you can before looking for greener pastures. Its typically harder than it seems.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How does this affect me?

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #47

When we hear bad news or good news for that matter, we eventually (some of us sooner than later) think about how this is going to affect us. Is it selfish? Definitely. Is it wrong? I don't think so. We're naturally self centered so there are no surprises there.

As I sat in class today, I learned about the growing disparity between the rich and poor. I think about how much money is enough. I wonder what the "haves" think about the "have nots". Most of them couldn't care less. They're too concerned with themselves, like we all are.

If my wife is going through something that is difficult, I'm concerned. I'm also thinking, "Doesn't she know I don't need this right now". If anyone says that haven't had that thought enter their brain, I'd almost call them a liar, but instead I'll say "Good for them".

I heard some news from a dear friend of mine today. I will keep their family in my thoughts and prayers and I WILL NOT worry about myself tonight. But tomorrow I'll be thinking about how my friend's news affects me. Although I feel a bit of guilt by saying this, it doesn't deny it is a true statement. I'm human. I can't help it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Here we go again

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #48

As I sit on my couch watching Dexter, I try my best to not think about Monday morning. To think about our Monday morning sales meeting and how we intend to pull another rabbit out of our hat to salvage the month.

I love it and hate it at the same time! I love the competition, the challenges that come with every new month, and the newness of each day. This is the stage of my life. This is my role until further notice. Tomorrow is Monday: Here we go again.

To dog the Detroit Lions and their pitiful effort would just be too predictable. I'll let the extreme fans/bandwagon riders play that card. It should be a looong week listening to Detroit sports radio.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Simple Saturday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #49

Sitting around today trying to relax today. Watched some football and enjoyed some time with the wife. My cousin came by today. It had been quite a while since we've spoken and he hadn't been by the new house. He didn't even know where I moved to.

Things change as people grow. Most of the time people are not avoiding, just like you're not avoiding them. With jobs and kids and marriage, and everything else, the days can get away from you. Those who don't have as much going on seem to be more upset when visits between friends become infrequent. I've been the friend who gets more upset about things.

I have a small circle of friends who have become my family. Because my circle is so tight, I put a lot of pressure on them. Its not fair, but what is? We all have a responsibility for the relationships that we're a part of. We must choose how active of a role we want to play. Sometimes that means calling when they don't call or visiting when they don't visit. Sometimes you have friends that become closer than your family. And sometimes you have friends that you consider family because you have no other category for them. They were closer than family for years and now they're part of the family regardless of how active they've been in keeping the bond intact.

If you haven't spoken with someone, call or email. Hell, even write on their facebook wall. Let them know that you still care even though you guys don't speak often.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Friday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #49

Happy Veterans Day. I never have a problem blogging. This everyday posting really isn't this hard for me. My mind is very rarely not going 100 miles per hour.

I woke up this morning with this sense of peace. It was truly surreal. I normally dream every night. I fall asleep with a million things on my mind and wake up with another million topics running through my brain. The peace I felt this morning was another validation of how good God is. "Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble."

This is my 12th day in a row blogging. I really appreciate the support and I hope that I can continue posting topics of interest

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fear of the Unknown

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #50

Fear of the unknown. Its a really weird thing. We're faced with change on a daily basis and we take the easy way out many times by resisting change. Some of us are still married/dating someone that we really don't like anymore. God forbid if the next person is even worse! "At least

I know his/her problems" is the way they'll justify their stagnation.

Jobs are the same. "Well Jenny let's me make up my time when my kid makes me late to work". Or, "Brian is really cool. He doesn't bother me at all". They failed to mention that Jenny talks to them like they're stupid and repeatedly belittles them in front of others. They failed to mention that Brian has no idea what he's doing and is not a good manager at all.

No situation is perfect. It is up to us to determine what imperfections that we'll tolerate. Some of us operate out of fear and others operate out of the excitement of the unknown. Which one are you?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Things

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #51

These are 5 of the thoughts that crossed my mind while in a meeting today:

1. When you're in a meeting, the questions people ask is many times more important than the answers.

2. People ask stupid questions...sometimes

3. Sometimes its not everyone else. It is YOU! Stop being so moody.

4. People are always "sizing you up". Pay attention.

5. Ask yourself if you're replaceable at work. The answer is yes. But how easily can you be replaced is the real question.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social Mobility Part 2

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Month's of Buzz - #52

"Climbing the economic ladder is harder in the US than most countries in Europe," says an article from Dan Froomkin. As I mentioned in part 1 of this topic, odds are, if you were poor born in America, you'll die poor. There was a study done by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that stated that 47% of the economic advantage that high earning fathers have over low earning fathers is transmitted to their sons. Compared to 19% in Canada. So even though this is the land of opportunity, the opportunity is extremely difficult to find.

The main cause, based on the report, seems to be educational opportunity. Froomkin was quoted as saying, "It turns out that America's school system rather than lifting children up, is instead holding them down".

The solution is more of a social mix within schools. Although most schools in The States are not legally segregated, they are still very much separate. It is difficult to learn from others who don't know much more than you. We learn from each other just as much as the teachers. There have been some studies that say that "more of a social mix appears to boost performance of the disadvantaged youth without any apparent negative effects on overall performance".

I was raised in the Ferndale, Michigan school district. Because of the mix, I know that I was more prepared after high school than people who attended an all black or all white school. With there being so much disparity in the educational system from city to city, we're are setting not only are children back, consequently, we're setting back our future as a country. "Lack of equal opportunity may affect the motivation, effort, and ultimately, the productivity of citizen".

Why would you train half of your military better than the other half? Doesn't make much sense, huh? As the rich make laws that keep their children rich while disregarding everyone else, the United States is being dominated by other countries when it comes to education. Children are the greatest resource of every nation. We need to start investing accordingly.

I mentioned Ferndale Schools as being an advantage for me, but they even have a lot of work to do, as do most schools outside the super wealthy districts. For those that argue the whole "survival of the fittest" thing. Just know it's not just hurting that underprivileged white kid from that rural town or that brown or black kid from the inner city. You are hurting your country's ability to compete in this global economy.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Manic Monday

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #53

I feel like sometimes I lose myself in the everyday grind. I feel like the stress of work wears me down and I'm not as upbeat as I'd like to be. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not easily excitable. I'm a pretty laid back dude, however I do enjoy being silly and having fun. I speak slowly, think quickly, and typically am not surprised by much. I feel like there are some people that I deal with on a daily basis who steal my vigor. I don't particularly care for them and that tends to sour my mood. Most of the time I'm not even conscious of it until I reflect back on it.

I feel that the people that know me enjoy my presence (most of the time anyway), and I enjoy when I can be myself. I'm a very serious person in many ways but I LOVE to crack jokes and talk trash too. I am going to make a genuine effort to enjoy myself at work. Hell, I'm there more than anywhere else so I may as well make the best of it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do Your Homework

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #54

I really enjoy people. I can small talk and chat it up with the best on em'. I believe 99 percent of people can find at least one thing in common. Most of us interact along the lines of the commonalities. I've always been drawn to people that have their own opinion. I love being challenged AS LONG as you can back up your view. Intelligent conversations helps you grow.

There's a guy at work who I owe a lot to. See, when you grow up poor and black, you're expected to be a democrat. The left side of the isle is where my loyalties were. This guy that I work with is a hard line, right winger. His problem was, and is, he doesn't have much reason behind his views, besides that was all he knew. He uses the same arguments that Republicans have been using forever. I didn't respect his views because you couldn't reason with him. There would be things that I'd agree with him on, but he'd never agree with anything that appeared to be a liberal view. He forced me to research my own views because of his ignorance.

I realized that many of us are in that same ignorant boat. We do and say what everyone around us does and says. No longer will I be in that boat. We need to be responsible for the words that come out of our mouth. And just because Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olberman says it, doesn't make it so. We're better off saying nothing than repeating what we here on tv like a parrot.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Randon Saturday Buzz

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #55

No Homo -how do you feel about gay people? Truly? The manly response is, "I don't care as long as they don't hit on me." The religious response, "They're going to hell." The black community: Forget about it! I think that people's hard stance is softening.

Politically, the homosexual community is influential because there's quite a bit of money. We know many more celebrities that have "come out" as being gay. This is just my opinion but I feel people have enough problems of their own and don't care much either way. People are broke and unemployed. Who would waste their time worrying about how someone lives their life, when there are much, much bigger fish to fry?

Good, Bad, and Ugly - My friends and I went down to Kalamazoo last weekend. I spent my first several adult years in that city. The colleges seem to be thriving. Downtown has been upgraded and looks great. But there are many people in that city who are struggling. Just like pretty much every other city in the US: The good and the bad. I see some of the kids from the Boy's and Girls Club on facebook. But they ain't kids anymore. Some have gotten into trouble. Some are doing some good things. Some of them fit in both categories.

Try to show a little more patience this week. If someone doesn't take off immediately after the stop light turns green, or the person at the register is having technical difficulties, or if the customer service person can't grant your request right away: Be cool. Don't act like you've never been on the other side of that coin.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Social Mobility Part 1

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #56

Well, here it is. This is my fifth day in a row blogging. I haven't done this since I first started this. Discipline is what I struggle with.

When I was younger I didn't have anyone really pushing me in any direction. Part of me is really disappointed by that. Sometimes I feel like I have underachieved because of that.

I wrote my cousin a pretty harsh letter a few years ago because I was upset that he was in prison and not here to help me along. I gave a presentation in class recently about how hard it is to move up the social class ladder in the U.S. Whenever you start to talk about how many people are at a huge disadvantage, you have people that believe that "hard work" and "not being lazy" will get you ahead in life. Not so fast, my friends. It is never that simple. There are exceptions to the rules and I am proud that I happen to be one of them. There was a lot that had to go right for me to be where I am today.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Season

Baxter's Buzz - 60 - 2 Months of Buzz - #57

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the food associated with it. I love the Detroit Lions games. I love the Fall season. Did I mention the food? While I lived in Kalamazoo, I spent two Thanksgivings with a really good friend and her mom. I remember not being able to go home and feeling disappointed the first year. The second year? I was looking forward to Thanksgiving in K-zoo.

I think about being home with a plate of collard greens, dressing, and ending the night with family and some sort of dark liquor in my hand. When I was still in high school, a couple of my friends spent every Thanksgiving with me and my family. They actually helped me become closer with my family because I appreciated my friends feeling comfortable enough with me. "Here comes Baxter and his entourage." Is what my brother would quip. "Hide the food!"

Last thanksgiving was unlike any other. My ex sister-in-law was shot and killed by her boyfriend last year. I become sad when I think about how that whole thing went down. I think about her and my brother's children, not having their mom around anymore. There are many cowards in this world. I believe that we all should go and seek therapy. You don't have to be "crazy" to see a therapist. As a matter of fact, I've thought about seeing someone myself recently. If you have these strong feelings and you're having a hard time dealing with them, don't try to drink/smoke/drug them away. Go see the pastor at your church, a good friend. Somebody!

I've written a lot about relationships lately. They are important to me because, what else do we have?

What are you thankful for? We shouldn't just ask ourselves during this time of year. We should ask this everyday. And thank God for our answers.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The One That Got Away

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #58

There are times when we all ask the "what if" question. "What if I wasn't chasing after that bozo and gave him a chance?" "What if I would have paid her more attention?" Some of us have those thoughts every now and then. And some of us kick ourselves every day because we feel like we blew an awesome opportunity.

A good friend of mine was telling me about a mistake she felt she made years ago in college. A guy who was there for her all the time, but she ended up dating this more "bad boy" type. She eventually married someone else, and now is divorced. Her path has crossed with her neglected friend from yesteryear. Now what? "Bax, what do I even say?" She begs me for the right words.

Sometimes I think about the mistakes that I made. Neglecting good girls. I've also been on the other side of that coin. Prior to marrying my wife, I spoke with a woman that I dated. I thought about the women that I neglected and poured a lot into this particular woman, almost trying to make my past right by treating my current lady "extra" good. It didn't work. We were at two different stages in life and she neglected me. Karma is a bitch, huh? Anyway, when I spoke to her, she apologized for the way she treated me. By this time I understood and accepted why it didn't work.

I wish I had the chance to say my apologies, but I'm sure they're doing just fine without it. I am very blessed with the wife I have, by the way. She was too good for me and I knew it. I thank God that she was still available when I finally screwed my head on straight!

So as my friend tries to reconnect with her college friend, struggling to find the words to say, appreciate your friends, past and present. If you have a chance to correct a mistake, do it. You don't wanna speak of this person in the past tense about the one who got away.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Are You Lookin Forward To?

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Month's of Buzz - #59

Yesterday was our first Halloween at the new house. Or should I say at our first home? I had class after work, but was able to make it home for the last handful of trick-or-treaters.

My wife loves the thought of all the sentimental stuff. The things that I don't pay much attention to, she brings them to the front of my mind and helps me appreciate them. Next on the list is Thanksgiving. Then Christmas and New Years. We bought the home in January so we're closing in on our first year.

I guess life is about having something to look forward to. Regardless of if you're married, single, if you own or rent, there's always an experience that's new. I guess it's all about perspective. What are you looking forward to?