Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is the lowest line that you can see clearly?

Buzz of the Day

I'm promised my two readers that I'd post today!

As you may or may not be aware of...My birthday was 2 weeks ago. Not terribly old (in my opinion), but not as young as I once was (obviously). I had two appointments in the last week that in my younger days, I wouldn't have thought much about. My first appointment was to see the eye doctor...FYI, I've never worn glasses in my life...Until now. (Yeah, I'm near sighted). I won't go into details...I went to the doctor because I'd been having problems with my stomach. Nothing major...The point is...

Age catches up to everyone. We have people that care about our well being. With that being said, we have a responsibility to those who care, to take care of ourselves. I still feel good! Don't get me wrong. I still play basketball and I have plans to continue that until I die. Speaking of basketball, they always say that an NBA player's "athletic prime" is age 27-30. It is when your maturity mentally matches your youth. I agree! I'm not in my athletic prime, but I feel like I have a good idea of my life and how I'd like things to be. And I still have the energy and enthusiam to work super hard and believe that anything is possible.

I think the healthier you are, the longer you can be in your "prime."

Last Day of the Month

Hello there. The last days of the month are hard for me because in sales, they can become pretty stressful...I will have a good post this afternoon. I have some things brewing!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pack Light

Bag lady you gone hurt your back

Dragging all them bags like that I guess nobody ever told you

All you must hold on to Is you, is you, is you

One day all them bags gone get in your way

One day all them bags gone get in your way

I said one day all them bags gone get in your way

One Day all them bags gone get in your way

So pack light

That is the song performed by Erykah Badu. Great song. We all have baggage. And some of that baggage is preventing us from realizing our potential. Our backs gets so heavy with grudges, hard feelings, bad memories, etc., that we can't muster up the energy to chase our dreams.

I think we should all dream big. Dream big, but don't just dream, take action to achieve those dreams. Don't let old failures or skeletons discourage you from taking on new obstacles.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wonder Bra

Ridiculousness of the Day

I saw this in the local newspaper:

A 57-year-old woman is alive today because her bra stopped a bullet from killing her Tuesday when men breaking into a neighbor's home shot her, Detroit police said...... She saw men breaking into her neighbor's house Tuesday morning and when the men saw her, one of them fired a shot, police said. Police said the bra deflected the bullet, but that the woman was injured. She was taken to an area hospital, but released by the afternoon, according to WWJ-AM (950). Police said the injury was not life-threatening.

Need I say more? :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wanna Get Away?

Buzz of the Day

I work pretty hard. There are some days where you wish you were somewhere else though...if I'm guilty of that, I bet I'm not the only one. My mother-in-law works for herself and has another job. When times were good, she only worked for herself. When times were a little tough, she found additional work. She is always talking about needing a day off. Or needing to take a half-day. I think having your own business gives you more freedom to take days off. You probably work harder, but who better to be working hard for?

The day before our wedding, my mother-in-law took the day off to get things together. Then she took off the entire week after the wedding. Hell, she even took a half-day this past Friday to get ready for my birthday party! LOL

When I was younger, I rarely missed school. I liked being there and enjoyed it too much to skip.

Every now and then, I'd take a day off. I'd be so worn down mentally, that I'd say I didn't feel well and use that day to recharge my batteries. It was like my body was telling me to relax for a day. That is so much tougher to do these days because of the economy. People are afraid to take days off because you may not be missed! Nobody wants that...

The first vacation that I had in a long time was my honeymoon week. I didn't realize how tired I was. My last day of work at my previous job was on a Tuesday (In Lansing). I left work, jumped in the car and headed to Farmington Hills. I went to the store, bought some hamburger and bread (If my wife was there, she'd buy buns). My wife was still in Lansing for another few days so we left the bed there. I made hamburgers, slept on my air mattress, woke up the next morning and started here at New Horizons.

As much as I'd like another vacation, this is not the time. I actually feel like I need to kick it up a notch and work even harder. I know it will benefit me in the long run. When you work and work, people don't think you get tired. Sometimes on the weekend my wife is upset because I just lay around. She's like, "You've been working all week. And now you're sleeping." I'm like, "Exactly! I've worked through 3 of my lunches this week and I've stayed late everyday."

One day things won't be this way. Until then...I'll keep grinding

Wanna Ride?

Buzz of the Day

I've been pretty anxious lately. That is not me. There is a major feeling of responsibility that a man feels when he has a family. It's something that you can't explain. I've been letting this job stress me out. Couple that with a new marriage and the desire to provide for her and my future children. Whew!

New Flash: The economy sucks! Being in sales...put it like this; there are less stressful positions in a thriving economy. In this economy, every account executive on the sales floor has multiple personality disorder. We tell our customers,"Disorder!" That was a joke...nevermind. It is such a defenseless feeling when a person can tap you on the shoulder and say,"It's been great Bax. Good luck to you. You have 5 minutes to pack get your things together."

I am looking for my "vehicle" to take me to the next level. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I'd like a second "vehicle". I have a car that I drive (hooptie) and my wife has a car (nice car). It's a nice feeling to know if we had problems with one car (probably mine), we'd have another one.

There are many different vehicles: Some people love their job and have become wealthy working for someone; some people's vehicle has been a business that they run themselves; some people have received money from family; some people have received favors from friends in power; and some people are still searching for their vehicle. I'm somewhere in between. I believe I'll be very successful at New Horizons CLC, however, I'd like my own know, parked in the garaged so I can work on it on the weekend, start replacing old parts, and eventually start taking short trips until...I have a second vehicle that runs as well as my primary one.

I was unsettled because I didn't have a plan of my own. That's why I'm listening to my Donald Trump audio book again! I need to start thinking big and kicking ass. There are people still making money out there...even now. It's a matter of having the right vehicle. I am working on my plan as we speak and I hope that will relax me. I will continue to work hard, but I'm not keeping my mouth shut (Not all the time anyway). I will work hard and demand a certain type of respect from my peers, managers, and my customers. It seems as though that's the only way things get done.

So if you'd like a ride in my ready when I blow the horn! I'm not going to wait too long...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Thinking Big...

Buzz of the Day

Wow! Last weekend was a good time. People were in town for my birthday and we had fun. It was weird because it was the first time I had a birthday "party" while being married. I realized that you can have fun, albeit a different type of fun. Many of my friends are married or on their way to marriage. We had good, clean, responsible fun (Sorta). As you move through different phases of your life, people who mirror your goals and ambitions will undoubtedly be around and the people who used to share your views will be sort of "long lost friends" and you may...may get a Christmas card every other year.

There is nothing wrong with growing apart. There is definitely something wrong with not growing though...I have the audio book of Donald Trump's 'Thinking Big and Kicking Ass, in Business and in Life.' I am getting back to basics. I need to be more vocal at my job and I will be. Business is exactly how it sounds. Business. I am going to continue to think big and dream big. And I will not allow people to b.s. me while interrupting my dreams!!

Hopefully, we can have more "grown up parties" soon. Parties where we are meeting with 'big business' people, talking about big things...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Post Today

It's My Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life Imitating Art...Imitating Life

What would you think if I sang out of tune

Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song

And I'll try not to sing out of key

Oh I get by with a little help from my friends

Mm I get high with a little help from my friends

Mm going to try with a little help from my friends

These are lyrics from "I get by with a little help from my friends" performed by the Beatles.

I grew up with a pretty close knit bunch of guys. There are 10 of us, and some of us have known each other since kindergarten! Some were relatives, some friends of friends, but eventually we became brothers. We have been relied on for all types of support. I know that if there's anything that I need and they can provide, there's no question that they'd give it. And I'd do the same for them. Because of my close knit friends, I have struggled to find other friends that "match up" to my....brothers. There are just certain things that I won't deal with. Certain behaviors, I deem unacceptable! My idea of friendship is skewed because my friends have become my family. I had never been close to my cousins or siblings in the way I am close to these 9 guys.

The crazy thing is people say we can choose our friends, but we can't choose family. I don't feel like I chose them. At this point (and for a long time) they are family.

As I approach another birthday, they will do their best to be present or at the very least call and wish me well. We've been singing out of tune for years and nobody has walked out. From the arguments and fights, we've always been there for each other.

Maybe this song isn't that I think about it.

Maybe the song should be "We Are Family"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Go Shorty, Its Your Birthday

Nobody Cares Kid

My birthday is April the 16th. I will be 28 years old. When I think about it, I feel kinda old. Not like "old geezer" old, but "how did I get this old" old. When your birthday is approaching, you start to's natural. There are events in your life that you wish you could do over. I have made my share of mistakes, but I don't know if I'd do anything differently. I have no idea if that one experience would change my life completely. The reason I'm the way I am is because of the past experiences in my life....good and bad.

My wife believes differently. She believes we were meant to be and we would be regardless. Even if she never moved back to Michigan...she was in Rhode Island! How were we going to be together while she was a half-day away (At that point I was living in Kalamazoo)? I think about that 'Life on Mars' television show and the star was in a world from 25 years ago. He actually met his mom, dad, and he even met himself. Hmmmmmmmmm?

If you could tell yourself one thing when you were younger, what age would it be and what would you say?

I really don't want that choice. What if I never met my wife? What if I didn't struggle as much as I have, and I felt like successes were owed to me? What if I was some unappreciative jerk because I never felt the pain of loss? I may be a little behind schedule for where I'd like to be currently, but I don't want to change a thing. My experiences and my failures will help they always have. A lot of my strength comes from my struggles. Without that, I don't know where I'd be...

Consistency and Persistence

Buzz of the Day

It really feels good to be back! I am so excited to be blogging and I really missed it while I was away. I had to take a break to organize some things. I want to have a format that is consistent, so I took some time to step away and get some clarity.

I have mentioned my love for Biographies more than once. Sometimes I wonder what my biography would entail. You want to leave a good taste in people's mouth, but that's not something you do with one good deed. You are who you are when nobody else is around. To treat people right and live right on a daily basis is my goal. It has become more and more clear as I get older...I want to be great! It's so weird to say because you don't hear it often or even expect to hear it. I am slowly but surely working on my legacy and what I want it to be. I have all of these big dreams, but sometimes real life sets in and we stop dreaming big. I pray every night that God continues to keep me focused. I pray for consistency and persistence.

Martin Lawrence had a stand-up routine many years ago where he talked about if he were a boxer. He basically said he wouldn't talk trash (like most boxers do) because if he lost he could say, "I never told you I wasn't going to lose!"

One of the biggest ingredients to success is expectations. For many of us, those expectations come from parents initially; Other family members, friends, and teachers follow. We have to also expect great things from ourselves! That is the part I'm working on. It's not a certain salary per se, it is the feeling that you are doing something you have a passion for and you are exceeding all expectations, yours and others. There are times where you get run down by your day-to-day duties. Your dreams get put on the back burner. Those times are need to be less and less in order for me to feel like I'm living and not just existing

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My next post will be Monday, April 13, 2009.

If that seems too long, don't worry. Just read some old posts!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fight or Flight

Buzz of the Day

I believe adversity is healthy. Some may not agree, but when it pertains to how I live my life it is very healthy. Sometimes you don't know what you can handle until you are faced with it. God has placed things in my life to test my faith, but He has stood by me to while I've overcome obstacles. As human beings, we are many different things on any given day. When I was younger, I'd be faced with a challenge and think, "How am I going to get through this?" Now when problems arise, I think, "Man, I'm going to be some much stronger once I get through this."

I remember a man coming to my Junior High School to speak. I don't remember much but I do remember him talking about life and putting problems into perspective. He said if your problems won't be a big deal 5 years from now, then you shouldn't worry about them. I think that's good advice. My brother says that you have to take the bitter with the sweet. I guess you could call them peaks and valleys, ebbs and flows. It is LIFE! We are facing some hard times these days and it would be easy to throw in the towel, but in the words of Kanye West, "To me giving up is way harder than trying." Let us be thankful for the things we have today. I'm sure things can be better...but they can definitely be worse.

Many things that I write about are things that I struggle with. Some days are harder than others. I am grateful for the people that are in my life, and if I need to, I'll shrink my inner circle of friends. These adverse times will really change our perspective and if we're not careful, we can turn on people that really care about us or gravitate towards people who seem to have our best interest at heart but are snakes in the grass.

My advice: Shut up, observe, and see if people's actions are consistent with their words. If they are not, it's like writing a check with no money in the bank. Actions will always speak louder than words.

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Apologies

I just want to apologize for my posts during the middle of this week. I basically mailed those blogs in Wednesday and Thursday (I think those were the only days). No excuses. It was a long week and I didn't prioritize. Lazy, lazy. I am working on some things for next week ( I know, I know, I keep saying that).

Rocket Man

Buzz of the Day

I was watching the series finale of Life on Mars yesterday. I was very disappointed. I went on to Google the series to find out some info. Well I guess the ratings were bad. I was quite surprised. The only bad episode in my opinion was the series finale.

Imagine being from somewhere different than everyone around you...Being able to relate, but not totally. Now in this series, he was in 1973 but he's from 2008. I'm just talking about in a different state of mind than the people around you.

I am a pretty different guy. I don't always relate or agree with people totally. My brother always says there are 3 sides to every story. My side; Your side; and The Truth! I think the one thing that separates me from most people in my awareness. I look at situations from each person's viewpoint. The reason I can do this (most of the time) is because I've been around so many different people. And in their mind, their actions are justified. Let me give you some scenarios:

A 17 year old boy goes to prison and leaves a 31 year old man. He was skinny, insecure, and he had to fight for everything he has. The prisons that he's been in were his home. Think about your 21st were probably not in prison. So when he arrives "on the outside" for the first time since the early 1990's. Where does that man go to get a job? Where does he go to provide for himself? Who will accept him? Has he lost his constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness? How does he achieve that?

So he applies for jobs, but these jobs don't hire felons. And the jobs that say they will hire felons, only made that rule because a friend of the family was given a job many years ago (they haven't hired one since). This convicted felon has very few family members. They've said, " You can stay with us for 2 months, but after that you have to find your own." Where does he find his own?

Think about that

That is just 1 of 1 trillion different scenarios that people go through everyday. I know people in situations similar to the one above. I also know people that have defied the odds and have done very well after prison. Maybe they grew up in a drug house, maybe they grew up in a tough neighborhood, or maybe their family has never seen anyone get past 11th grade.

I know people who have never "struggled" in their life. Financially. They had both parents in the home, but the parents hated each other. Money was no object. They could buy whatever they wanted, but they didn't have family so share these things with. I know people who have broken the law for years and never has gotten caught. I know people who have lived a squeaky-clean life who were falsely accused of things and their lives were never the same.

When I hear latest tragedies, my heart hurts for them. When I think about the different directions that my life could have gone. Or if I would have gotten caught doing something stupid, how my life would have dramatically changed.

I guess I say all of that to say that I don't feel like I'm better than anyone...We all have our ups and downs and we all deal with them differently. So when people are extremely quick to judge, that bothers me because they don't know the whole story. Don't get me wrong, right and wrong doesn't change because of people's situations! What is wrong for one person is wrong for the next.

Sometimes people don't feel like they have a choice...And I'm aware of that.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Random Thoughts Thursday

The comedian Katt Williams once talked about "player haters" and how you need some hater in your life. The jist of the skit was once you start doing some good things, people will start to get jealous. That is kind of your coming out party. Once people start to hate, then you have arrived!

I've never been a jealous person. I get more excited when my friends achieve something than when I do. I always think, "Well I can't wait til I do that." Very rarely (I can't remember a time, but I'm sure I have because I'm human) have I been upset with something someone else has that I don't have.

I guess the one feeling I have is disappointment in myself. That is probably the feeling I have the most. Very rarely jealousy. I have done some dumb things and made things harder on myself than they should have been. I have to work extra hard now just to "make par" per se.

I hope one day I'll have some haters too. Actually, I'd like the success without the haters...

MEAP Scores Rise

Random Thoughts Thursday

Across the state of Michigan, scores in math, science, and social studies rise. I wonder what has brought on this change? I don't know...Let's hope we can keep it up!

Random Thoughts Thursday

Thursdays will hopefully be fun. I want to just post random thoughts all day. Whether it's a thought I've had for years, days, or seconds, I want to share.

I'm really working on getting the blog a facelift, tummy tuck, etc.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Early April Fools

Buzz of the Day

University of San Diego California made a pretty big oopsy Tuesday.

There were about 19,000 students who were accepted to the school for this upcoming Fall. There were another 29,000 who were not accepted. A welcome email was sent to...all 48,000 students! About a half hour afterwards, they realized the mistake. Talking about an emotional roller coaster...

That's all I got for you today. I will make it up tomorrow. I promise