Sunday, June 27, 2010

Buzz of the Month (Part 1 and 2)

Part 1
Get Up and Do Something - This past weekend was wonderful. The wife and I were able to get away. Removing yourself, physically, from your typical surroundings allows you to "breathe." I think about what I have on my plate these days, and I become very excited. I am not a one-trick pony. I've been put on this earth to do more than "work".

There are those who hate their job. If you work 40+ hours per week, the majority of your time, not sleeping, is at work. If you're not happy at work, it's possible that you are not happy period. What's the solution? Sometimes people are at a job because they have to be. That's fine, but what are you doing about improving your situation? Complaining+No action to resolve=Irritation from those you complain to.

There are things in your power. Take care of those. The rest, leave that up to God. But do your part! Do things that you enjoy and that will leave a positive impact on others and the world. Your job doesn't have to define you. You and your works will define you.

Part 2
The above paragraphs were written in the first week of June. Since then, my Big Ma, has passed away. She would have been 99 years old in August. How can one be sad about somebody living almost 100 years? As I get older, I am starting to understand what is really important to me. I've never had a lot of money, but I've figured out a way to make things work. It's nice to know that my wife loves me for me and not because of what I have. Because if she was looking for someone with the most tangible things, she could have done much, much better.

The legacy that you leave HAS to be more than money. You will ultimately be remembered for how you treated and affected those around you. Don't get me wrong, I plan on being able to provide for my family, but I will not lose sight of my morals for a dollar. There are people that I see everyday who can't see past what want for themselves. If there is another sales person on my team who happens to sell more than me, it will not change my mission for my life. I am starting to realize that there are three major things that I must do in my life; I must continue to strengthen my relationship with God, I must continue to write, and teach and share my experiences with others.

I am not the best writer in the world, but I'm okay and improving. I am not the best orator either. I have a passion for improving this world and that will propel me. I am not looking for any type of fame or fortune. My plans to this point are very simple; be more present of the young people in my life and teach them things that nobody was there to teach me. That is a great start if you ask me. I had been so focused on doing more for the world, but I have enough young people in my family that will benefit from me sharing experiences. Maybe one of them will change the world, but my goal is to give them a different way to view their lives and the purpose here.

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