Monday, August 8, 2016

Face Value

Monday, August 8 2016


I have decided to do more writing than reading (at the moment anyway). Trying to organize these thoughts while they allow me. My thoughts can be fleeting, but recently they've allowed me to jot a few down. My hope is that as I work through my latest life transitions, I can help someone else through theirs.

I had an interesting day. I inquired about an internal job posting. It sounds like a potential awesome move for me, but then there's a conversation that you have to have with your direct manager prior to officially applying for something else. I'm sure my boss wasn't surprised that I investigated, but it's also an implication that you're not 100% satisfied with your current role. It's a move that I'll pursue because we all need to do what's best for us. Nobody's going to check to ensure you're taken care of! 

When you're looking for an internal job, you can do some research on the manager if you don't know them personally, and attempt to get a feel for their style. It allows you to choose your manager essentially. Many times, bosses are like family: You can't choose them. You get what you get and don't get upset (sorry, I have a 3 year old in my house) It can be the determining factor in your success in that role. 

I am simple in my expectations (just don't ask my wife). My problem is most people are not. I want someone to speak plainly to me and be direct. Simple, right? Not so fast, my friend! I'd be better off looking for a supervisor who talks in circles, provides canned answers (whether they apply to the situation or not), and shows a complete ignorance and lack of empathy for your personal situation. They throw a 'one size fits all' blanket over all issues and hope their shallow responses aren't questioned. 

The description above isn't exclusive to coworkers. We're all so self-centered, even when we want to be genuinely interested, we're too busy taking someone else's situation and telling them how we're going through the same thing! Waiting our turn to speak instead of truly listening. If more people were honest, there would be less lines to read between and less passive aggressiveness. Maybe a few more hurt feelings early on, but less stress because we could take people at their word instead of trying to figure out what they meant! We spend too many damn hours in meetings to only be more confused than we were prior to the meeting. 

I was at Chase Bank a few weeks ago and there was a woman that had a plaque saying "25 years of service." So she's been working at the same company since I was 10 years old. Crazy when you think of it. Crazier when I think about how many jobs I've had since I turned 18. Companies are laying folks off left and right, employees aren't staying at jobs very long and the economy doesn't feel very stable. What a combination! There are folks making good money in many fields and there's never been more opportunities to go into business for yourself. I believe more collaboration between young and old would do us all some good. Mentors are hard to find. And a good mentor is an endangered species!

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Sadly mentor's are certainly an endangered species...personally i beleive that its due in part to a lack of connection. Perople arent connected to one another so the relationships can be selfserving instead of proudly lifting the next generation and your own legacy. Im sure this is a bad example but instead of michael jordan mentoring labron or kobe. Can you imagine if jordan mentors one of them and says yes they are better than me because i showed them how to be...that would be a part of jordans legacy instead of the competitive nature of their relationships. No mantles are being passed...instead the leaders of today seem to have to start from scratch. 4 people running the 400M are going to be faster than 1 person running the same race because each runner picked up where the other left off. There is a saying that i think rings so true, "sucess without a successor is FAILURE". If there were more leaders that saw thing that way...we would surely be more successful. (exhale) Thanks for letting me vent.
