Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Buzz

Hello All! Here's some randomness for you all!

Random Buzz

Not Cool - I don't agree w anyone peeing on toilet seats anywhere but there are, should I say, special circumstances where we might be forced to do that (at a bar or something). But if you pee on the toilet seat at work, there should be an investigation and once they find the culprit, they should stand them up at an all-staff meeting and let people take turns slapping them on the back of their head. Man or woman.

No free lunch - So I ended up at the store, shopping for clothes for my entire lunch period and when I ran to Wendy's to grab something, it was way too crowded. I came back to work and a coworker asked me if I wanted the rest of her chicken club (after hearing that I was scrounging for food). The first bite left tomato juice ALL over my shirt sleeve. Taking to the dry cleaners immediately.

That Guy - I don't ever want to offend people with my cologne. There's always some old dude with way too much cologne on. Not cool. As I get older, I find myself spraying that one extra spray on in the morning. Next year will that be two extra sprays? I don't ever want to be "that guy."

Tis The Season - School is back in and I'm excited. I love to stay busy and know that I'm using my time wisely. Its easy to say that you'll do more when you don't HAVE to, but most of us don't. I guess that's why most of us are not where we want to be in life.

Resolution - The end of September marks the end of the third quarter of the calendar year. Think about your New Year's Resolution and where you stand 9 months later. Have you stayed with it? I need to get my stuff together.

Just a Thought - Help someone this week accomplish a goal of theirs. Nothing makes me feel better than to help people. Print out a resume for them, drive them to an interview, download their free album. Pay it forward.

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