Sunday, June 10, 2012

Work Friends

Baxter's Buzz

This past week has been awesome. It was my wife's birthday on Monday and I believe (fingers crossed) that she was happy with the way things turned out. We did a few things leading up to her actual day, and I'm proud of the way I handled things. I never feel like I've done enough for her; if it's a birthday or we're celebrating anything. I put a limit on the amount we could spend for Christmas this past year. I did it so we wouldn't spend too much and pay for it, but especially because I didn't want to be the cause of us going broke. I think most of us work so hard to make our partners happy that it can be exhausting at times. Then you throw children in that mix and 90% of your time is dedicated to making other people happy, with remaining 10% split between sleep and American Idol.

Later in the week my nonprofit was able to get away our first scholarship. It was an awesome feeling to see a light bulb turn on upstairs and then years later seeing your vision coming to fruition. My group, although small, is fantastic. We have a core group that is consistent in attending meetings and providing some great ideas with equal follow-through. We have some folks that have come and gone, but that is to be expected. Life happens and it isn't always easy to stick to your commitments. When the pressure comes, people have been known to leave mates, jobs, and even children behind. When you think of it that way, nobody feels much guilt in leaving commitments like softball leagues and a book clubs.

I am so noncommittal because I hate giving my word and then not following through. So when I give my word, you can count on it. If I have no intentions of attending an event I'll just say that. People aren't always thrilled, but I believe most of them respect the honesty. There are some who'd rather you lie to them about attending, because that is the way they handle things. They're the type to make plans and then not answer the phone on the day the plans are suppose to occur. 

The turnout for the event was great and the recipient of our first annual scholarship was extremely gracious, as was her family. The people that I work with were more supportive than my friends or family. These folks must like me because I've only been there for a little over 7 months and many of the people I talk to daily were as excited as anyone because they knew how important it was for me. I was used to coworkers only talking to you during the hours the office was open. Don't get caught in the middle of a story when 5 o'clock hits or you'd have to finish up the next day. I made a great decision by joining this company and I'm hopeful that I'll have some good friends when I leave.

I plan to blog a couple times this week to share some other things that have been on my mind. As always, I appreciate you guys reading. And as long as you keep reading, I'll keep blogging.

God Bless,
Baxter E.

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