Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Conservative Views

There's a time to vent. There is a time to throw yourself a small pity-party. And there's a time when you need to dust yourself off and start moving forward again. Failure and disappointment is tough to get over. I used to be extremely stubborn now I'm only just a little stubborn.

I've become more mature, more lazy (not wanting to expend extra effort proving a point or being confrontational), and I feel like I've lost some of my edge. The proper edge is a beautiful thing, believe it or not. You have know "when to hold em' and when to fold em".  It's a crazy balancing act.

I was watching an interview on Kobe Bryant the other night and he talked about his stubbornness and how that helped him get to the NBA. He also talked about the early 2000's when he was facing the sexual assault case and how people said he couldn't go to trial and continue to play in games afterwards. He attributed his stubbornness as the biggest reason he was able to literally leave trial in Colorado, fly to LA (or wherever the game happened to be), arrive just before game-time or shortly thereafter and play exceptionally well. 

There are times when you are the only person that believes in you and you're faced with a decision: Push forward with no support or let others dictate the outcome of your life. Of course, there are a zillion exceptions to my last statement. You have to be rational but contain just enough stubbornness to strive for things that may seem out of reach to many...or most.

Success will dull your edge. As you achieve certain goals there's a tendency to "fight" for less, as to not make waves and potentially upset your lifestyle. I believe that mindset has kept me from achieving much more. When you have nothing to lose, you tend to take more chances, it's natural. Having things to lose makes most of us much more conservative in our views, our actions, and our goals. If/or when I become a multi-millionaire, I will revisit my conservative and less edgy ways, but for now I plan to crank it up. I have too much to achieve and being afraid to push the envelope will NOT help me get there.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Baxter and always, it's just what I needed to read at the right time. I'm getting ready to go and study Chinese in Beijing next month for as long as year possibly. Of course, many people have thought I was crazy for taking a sabbatical leave from my job, but I couldn't help but feel that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was getting too complacent in my old age. I'm hoping that this big risk will equal some kind of big reward for me in the future, but at least I feel my heart beating again.
