Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Small Handful


Towards the end of 2015, I realized that there were people who I genuinely liked, but never saw. That's a problem. This life is supposed to be enjoyed with those who you share a love and admiration for. If you're devoting all of your time to inconsequentials at work and then they're STILL on your mind once you get home, that's a huge problem.

I've committed to making contact with a small handful of people each day. A group that I designate "family," whether shared bloodlines or not. Those who have similar interests but not so much that it's like talking to myself. Those who my wife enjoys being around. Those who care about my well-being. I can't talk to every single person I know each day, but I can pick a handful of these people and work on building more with them. That's a start and I'll work from there.

When people are busy and doing life, things don't always happen "organically". There are times when you need to force the issue.  Include reaching out to others into your everyday routine. I always laugh when people say, "I've been meaning to call you, but I've been so busy". Like they haven't touch a phone. It's nobody's fault, we are all creatures of habit. Make room for the shit that matters.....relationships. Not working and worrying so much that you can't find time for anything else! Laugh with, cry with, inspire and challenge those closest to you. I want my loved ones to be better because I played a part in their evolvement, not better despite my lack of enthusiasm or encouragement.

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

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