Thursday, January 28, 2016

What Are You Working For?


I have all of these great ideas, but I feel like my time is dwindling. Those who work traditional jobs, give their best hours to their employer. And fools like me who also work in the evening, have shrunk the time I have for my own ventures. Is it appreciated? Does my boss or their boss even care that I work late evenings and weekends? The truth is they care, but not much.

I talked to a friend of mine today and he's in sales. He was telling me that he was having his best January ever and he was setting himself up for the best year of his career. Awesome news, right? The strange thing is he seemed down. Many of his coworkers aren't having his type of start and history tells him that change is coming.....and coming soon. Change can disrupt flow and momentum and if leadership is flying by the seat of their pants and being shortsighted, it puts everyone on edge. You can do everything you've planned to do, hit every target, attained every goal and you can still come up short. Such is life.

The older, successful I talk to tell me about balance. Spending time with the family, knowing when to put down the laptop and enjoying your spouse and children. It always makes sense what they say, but I always think if they'd had it to do over again, they'd still bust their butts because that's why they're in their current position. And although I understand the importance of balance in theory, I also feel an enormous amount of pressure to ensure my family is comfortable. Hell, I'm really working to pay daycare from now until.......sheesh! I don't even want to think about it.

As I work to become more balanced and save some of my prime hours for my OWN endeavors, I understand what pays the (daycare) bills now and that is my focus. Honestly, it's always nice to be recognized for hard work, but that's not my goal. My goal is to one day have something to show for all of this hard work..

Read more. Write more. Love more. Pray more. Live more.

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