Monday, August 30, 2010

Buzz of the Week

Love, Always - There are plenty of people in the world who are in love today. There are also people who are currently heartbroken, trying to do something to get their mind off of their ex boyfriend/girlfriend. The definition of Love is one of those things that is open to interpretation, but when someone feels they're in love, it is pretty matter of fact.

Many times we invest so much in our relationships that we lose ourselves in them. We lose our identity and feel incomplete without our significant other. I've experienced some of the most beautiful, wonderful people, become a replica of themselves, minus the confidence and self esteem. It happens to the best of us too. I remember my dad telling me, "Boy you ain't had your heart broken before." I didn't have plans for that , but as sure as the sky is blue, heart break happened to me too.

We have all these tangible things that are needed to validate us. But true happiness comes from within and not from some engagement ring or trophy wife.

It's hard being alone. Sometimes we put up with not so great relationships to avoid loneliness... Not the best move. We need to view ourselves as fortune 500 companies. When we "merge" with another company, it has to be a good fit. If it's not, okay, we are still doing great without the merger. But the most important thing is to experience happiness (or profitability for the sake of my metaphor) prior to any merger so that you understand YOUR worth. If it ain't a win win, take your business elsewhere.

Sorry about the one week delay...But I will be posting multiple times this week.

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