Monday, February 16, 2009

Buzz of the Day

Valentine's Day...boy o boy. There is so much pressure on everyone with all these 'holidays.' Even Sweetest Day, friends/family birthdays, and the big one....Christmas.

I dont have kids yet, so people will say I dont understand. Maybe I dont...But why do people put themselves in debt for one day out of the year? I understand you want to buy something nice for your loved ones, but going broke does nobody any good! I will admit, this was my first Christmas as a married man. I felt a lil pressure. But I also knew (my wife knew too) we didnt have much money. You want to let your kids/significant other/family that you care.
I UNDERSTAND THAT. Reminder: You have to live after that. I think there is so much pressure on us from society to spend money and buy things because thats how you "show people you love them." That bull...

Every day we have breath in our body, we can show our children and everyone else we love them. If your Christmas didnt come with as many toys this year, that doesnt mean that your parents love you less. Or visa versa. But we have to show our loved ones that we care all the time.

A guy that I work with told his wife, "Hey if you really want to do something for me, dont buy me anything!" Not because he didnt want anything. We all like nice stuff, but because he knew she'd spend too much money...and she did! Show your appreciation, but dont go broke doing it.

Are you kiddin' me?

A-Rod will report to spring training on Tuesday. The same day Obama will be signing the stimulus bill...I wonder what the water cooler talk will consist of?

Ridiculousness of the day

My wife and I were at H&R Block for 2.5 hours yesterday! This poor lady (bless her heart), was trying her best but...her best wasn't good enough. We had a couple of things (money from a retirement fund) that we didn't want to screw we figured we'd "Get some people" on our side. When the person doing your taxes has to be corrected by you, not good. She was making so many mistakes, she literally put her head down, put her hand over her face and said, "I'm so sorry." What about the mistakes we didn't catch? We actually paid for that! Shouldn't we have gotten a discount or something? I'm just sayin'.

Sports Buzz

Man, didn' t Shaq and Kobe look happy together last night?(Or this morning if you DVR'd it) It's like seeing your ex, but you're both in a relationship with other people and you realize...Man I wish we were still together. You never know what you got til its gone.

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