Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wanna Get Away?

Buzz of the Day

I work pretty hard. There are some days where you wish you were somewhere else though...if I'm guilty of that, I bet I'm not the only one. My mother-in-law works for herself and has another job. When times were good, she only worked for herself. When times were a little tough, she found additional work. She is always talking about needing a day off. Or needing to take a half-day. I think having your own business gives you more freedom to take days off. You probably work harder, but who better to be working hard for?

The day before our wedding, my mother-in-law took the day off to get things together. Then she took off the entire week after the wedding. Hell, she even took a half-day this past Friday to get ready for my birthday party! LOL

When I was younger, I rarely missed school. I liked being there and enjoyed it too much to skip.

Every now and then, I'd take a day off. I'd be so worn down mentally, that I'd say I didn't feel well and use that day to recharge my batteries. It was like my body was telling me to relax for a day. That is so much tougher to do these days because of the economy. People are afraid to take days off because you may not be missed! Nobody wants that...

The first vacation that I had in a long time was my honeymoon week. I didn't realize how tired I was. My last day of work at my previous job was on a Tuesday (In Lansing). I left work, jumped in the car and headed to Farmington Hills. I went to the store, bought some hamburger and bread (If my wife was there, she'd buy buns). My wife was still in Lansing for another few days so we left the bed there. I made hamburgers, slept on my air mattress, woke up the next morning and started here at New Horizons.

As much as I'd like another vacation, this is not the time. I actually feel like I need to kick it up a notch and work even harder. I know it will benefit me in the long run. When you work and work, people don't think you get tired. Sometimes on the weekend my wife is upset because I just lay around. She's like, "You've been working all week. And now you're sleeping." I'm like, "Exactly! I've worked through 3 of my lunches this week and I've stayed late everyday."

One day things won't be this way. Until then...I'll keep grinding

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