Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wanna Ride?

Buzz of the Day

I've been pretty anxious lately. That is not me. There is a major feeling of responsibility that a man feels when he has a family. It's something that you can't explain. I've been letting this job stress me out. Couple that with a new marriage and the desire to provide for her and my future children. Whew!

New Flash: The economy sucks! Being in sales...put it like this; there are less stressful positions in a thriving economy. In this economy, every account executive on the sales floor has multiple personality disorder. We tell our customers,"Disorder!" That was a joke...nevermind. It is such a defenseless feeling when a person can tap you on the shoulder and say,"It's been great Bax. Good luck to you. You have 5 minutes to pack get your things together."

I am looking for my "vehicle" to take me to the next level. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I'd like a second "vehicle". I have a car that I drive (hooptie) and my wife has a car (nice car). It's a nice feeling to know if we had problems with one car (probably mine), we'd have another one.

There are many different vehicles: Some people love their job and have become wealthy working for someone; some people's vehicle has been a business that they run themselves; some people have received money from family; some people have received favors from friends in power; and some people are still searching for their vehicle. I'm somewhere in between. I believe I'll be very successful at New Horizons CLC, however, I'd like my own vehicle...you know, parked in the garaged so I can work on it on the weekend, start replacing old parts, and eventually start taking short trips until...I have a second vehicle that runs as well as my primary one.

I was unsettled because I didn't have a plan of my own. That's why I'm listening to my Donald Trump audio book again! I need to start thinking big and kicking ass. There are people still making money out there...even now. It's a matter of having the right vehicle. I am working on my plan as we speak and I hope that will relax me. I will continue to work hard, but I'm not keeping my mouth shut (Not all the time anyway). I will work hard and demand a certain type of respect from my peers, managers, and my customers. It seems as though that's the only way things get done.

So if you'd like a ride in my vehicle...be ready when I blow the horn! I'm not going to wait too long...

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