Monday, December 12, 2011


Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #20

I am an optimist. I always believe that things will work out. I am very "excitable" when it comes to things I'm involved in. You won't see me bouncing off the walls, but if my manager or my teammate is inspired and sharing that with me, I tend to be inspired as well.

But if you're blowing smoke up my behind and lying too much (I say too much because bosses always lie a lil bit), then I start to zone you out and you lose credibility with me.

Some people are not meant to work for others. They'll never work as hard as they should because they feel they should be getting a bigger slice of the pie. The problem is only a small number of THOSE people will actually go out and start businesses of their own. Most of them will float from job to job, thinking they're the smartest person in the room, with nothing to show for it. A small number will actually have the drive to start a business. And an even smaller number will have success in those businesses.

My wife was talking about work today and prefaced her comment with, "I hate to think that I have an ego but..." Ego is not always bad. Ego can push you to become the best in the department and ultimately get that promotion. Ego may propel you during presentation for the VP. Ego can force you out of a comfortable job because you feel like you deserve more. Don't get me wrong: Ego has gotten many people in trouble, but so has idleness and complacency.

You have to have balance, weighing pros and cons before making a huge decision. Deciding what the risks are versus the rewards. And of course, take time to pray and ask God to help lead you.

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