Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My name is Baxter...

Nobody Cares Kid

I went to a seminar last night on how to start a small business in Michigan. I saw the information on Linkedin.com and I was really interested. I told a few of my friends and two of us attended. Well, after about 4 minutes of being there, I realized this was a networking group of displaced or unemployed people. Oops! It was a really odd feeling knowing that everyone thought that everyone there was unemployed. I kinda felt guilty for having a job. Weird.

The eye opening part of the night was how many people who had great jobs...jobs they had for as long as I've been alive! Naturally, many of the displaced workers were from the automotive industry. One guy said he went down to some service after he was laid off. They asked him, "Sir, what is your dream job?" He replied, "That was my dream job. There were only about 5 of us in the entire world." That comment touched my heart. It made me feel very fortunate to have a job. A job that I actually like! These were (mostly) degreed professionals. And they were let go from a job that they'd never be able to return to.

I'm on the phones a lot at my job. Inside sales for the most part. Sometimes you don't feel like being on the phone. Sometimes you don't feel like calling anyone. Sometimes you don't feel like being told no or sent to voicemail. I'm sure at your job you have similar feelings some days... My advice would be to thank God that you have a way to pay your bills and keep that smile on your face!

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