Monday, June 8, 2009

Adapt or Die

Buzz of the Day

If you've ever watched the series "24" (my favorite by the way) you've probably seen different people sneaking and talking...away from their desk having private 2 person meetings. You don't know who to believe sometimes. Well we have some of that behavior at my job. People are whispering and the look on their faces and the vibe that I feel is...let's just say not a good one.

Things are changing at my job and maybe a 'newbie' like me doesn't mind as much as a person who's been there when things didn't change so much. I don't know... I told a coworker of mine last week that I'm still new and I don't have many complaints. And maybe when I've accomplished more, I'll have more to say. I don't feel a right to complain about certain things because: That's really not my thing anyway. If I have issues, I talk to people who can help me solve them. Trust me, if I feel it's important enough I'll say what's on my mind. There's so much negativity from a worldly standpoint, I believe complaining focuses your energy on the wrong thing.

I expect other things to change...not sure what. I'm also not sure how people will react to the changes. Personally, I don't care. And no matter how long I'm at my job, that will never change. I have too many worries myself to be worried about yours. Don't get me wrong, there's more than one way to skin a cat. My way is not the only way or the best way necessarily. If you complain and threaten to get things done, more power to you. I'm not judging, just given you my humble viewpoint. And this is Baxter's buzz, not your buzz...

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