Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Buzz of the Day

Are you rich?

Money is and has always been a concern of many. These days even more. I think people's dreams have changed when it comes to money. I think when we're young, we want to be pro athletes, entertainers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Now people just want to be comfortable.

I was talking to a friend of mine who is single. We were talking about work, sports....the usual sort of stuff. He asked me about my job and...are they laying people off and...are you safe? Well, I don't think anybody is "safe", but that's just my thought.

Then he told me, "Baxter, you're rich." I kinda knew where he was going but not really. He said, "You have a wife that cares about you and friends that you can count on. You're rich!" It would seem rude to I shut up. Once I realized what he was saying, it made all the sense in the world. You could be in the worst situation of your life and someone would give their leg to trade places with you because their best cant compete with your their opinion.

You have to determine your opinion of success and failure, but be appreciative of what you have. Even if it's just your health or loved ones. Things could always be better....but they could always be worse. They say God never gives you more than you can handle. So the more obstacles you are dealt, don't give up. God has a plan.

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