Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Need a Vacation

Buzz of the Day

I'm completely exhausted! The stress of this freakin' economy, along with...well I guess everything is tied to the economy. Mentally, I am fried. I have done everything this week to shake this funk: I've woken up earlier than normal and later than normal, I've cleaned my entire cubicle and rearranged all of my crap on the walls. I even stopped using my headset this week and have gone back to the traditional act of picking up the phone with each call.


I don't really want a vacation because I can't afford it. I am talking about time. I can't afford the time. There are too many things I am trying to do. I just need a mental break. Quinn told me I needed to get away from everything. Take a break from thinking. Go to the bar or something like that. Great idea, besides the fact I have no money to "hang out" and I'd be feeling guilty for spending. Somethings gotta give! I need to figure something out and soon. I am really really wearing down.

As soon as you think things maybe turning around with the economy, you read the news and IBM is laying off 5,000 people in the U.S. and sending those jobs outside of the country. WTF!
They were actually profitable last quarter! Go figure...

I don't have the answers. The only thing I do know is...things are changing. As new companies are formed and the proverbial pieces put back together, they will never be the same again.

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