Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where's the Line?

Buzz of the Day

There is a fine line between speaking up for yourself and being obnoxious. Where do you draw the line?

I have always been a laid back person and have kicked myself repeatedly for not speaking up (Some people may think I speak up too much, but that's not the case). I'll give you a perfect example: When I was a high school senior, I played on the basketball team. I went from being in the starting lineup, to being on the bench and hardly playing. (without any explanation) I worked really hard, and figured that they'd notice and give me my just due. I figured the coach would say, "Baxter, welcome back! Get back in there and play your heart out because you have been working really hard."

I was completely wrong. On the other hand a good friend of mine (who can be borderline obnoxious) was in a similar position. He was the "squeaky wheel" and basically got his wish. He played a lot while I cheered from the sideline. I told myself then I'd never sit back and let someone take advantage of me or overlook me again. Sometimes you want to sit back, bust your tail and hope somebody recognizes. Unfortunately, that's not the case. You need to stick up for yourself and hold your ground. If you are working hard, sometimes you have to make people aware of the work you're putting in so they don't just overlook you.

Now...the potential problem comes if people think you are arrogant or pushy. I guess every one's "middle ground" is different, but if you have to be more to one side, what side do you want to be on?

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