Monday, March 30, 2009

Life's Lesssons

Buzz of the Day

There are so many challenges if life. I look at my nephews and nieces and think about what I went through when I was their age. You become a teenager/young adult and you feel like nobody is in your corner. The toughest thing is when you are correct in your assessment. I spent time with 2 of my nephews a couple of weeks ago. One is 20 and about to have a baby in May; the other is 17; they both are straddling the fence of mediocrity.

How do you explain something to somebody before they've had the opportunity to experience themselves? I didn't have many people to give me advice when I was their age, and I get upset when I try to mentor and they do the opposite of what I've advised. Don't get me wrong, they are good kids. But good ain't good enough these days. I want them to be more prepared than I was going into the "real world." I am blessed to have a good head on my shoulders, but trust me: I did my share of stupid things. I think about my cousin who is in prison for "natural life" and he's less than 2 years older than me. I know that if he was around, I wouldn't have made so many mistakes, because I respected him enough to listen and if I didn't, he would have beat me up.

So I struggle with my approach when I talk to them. I know that they hear me, although many times they don't listen. There is always a learning curve. Hell, I'm still looking for a mentor; I believe we all need it. This world is tough! And getting tougher... I just want to make their path a little less stressful, because times have changed. Even the 10 years since I've been out of High School, society is much different. Couple that with this economy and the way business will be done from here I'll stay in their ear and lend one if that's what they need, and pray God guides them and keeps them out of harm's way: That's what got me through my trials and tribulations when I didn't know any better.

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