Monday, November 28, 2011

Prove It!

Baxter's Buzz - 2 Months of Buzz - #33

My first day at work today started pretty rough. I came outside of my house to find a flat tiren on my car. Of course the gas station that I went to initially, had no air! Now it could have been one of those days where I didn't see something that was in my face (It wouldn't be the first time), but I don't think they had a freakin' place for air!

An old lady yelled at me while I was in the second gas station, buying some fix-a-flat, then later apologized. Not to mention that I-696 was crazy as usual this morning and I wondered if I would be "that guy" making an excuse for why I was late on my first day at my new job.

Prior to that craziness I was one facebook, early this morning, arguing about religion with some people who don't believe in God. The Bible talks about arguing with Needless to say, it was a losing battle. So I made it to work and everything went fine...until I found my car tire flat again. I was hoping to have just a slow leak, instead I found a nail in my tire. Luckily I was very close to a Discount Tire.

This gentlemen told me about my two front tires (Neither of them had the nail) that were balder than bald! There were actually starting to come apart on the sides. With me driving on the freeway, it could have gotten really ugly really fast. I ended up replacing those tires, spending money that I didn't wanna spend.

Oh yeah, I went to get a burger while they fixed my car, only to spill ketchup on my sweater! Once they were finished, I was an hour late to class.

Yeah, one of those days...

As I decided to cut my losses and head home, the weather was getting bad. It was very rainy and difficult to see. I even saw a couple of accidents on my route home. I thought about how my tires were just a bump away from disaster, and while driving in these crappy conditions, I started to smile. I could have been one of the cars on the side of the road, or worse yet, in a ditch.

Back to Facebook - This morning as I said my parting shots to my facebook "friends", I mentioned that the believers see God in everything. Those who don't believe will try to poke holes in the faith that they cannot wrap their brain around. One guy commented, "Baxter, I have two words for you: prove it". A day like this strengthens my faith, while I'd never be able to "prove it", I know it to be true in my heart. And that's all that matters.


  1. Amen! I've come across people who say that they can't "see" God so why should they believe he is there. So I bring up the fact that they are breathing. Huh? You can't see oxygen can you, but yet you have the faith to take a breath and there will be oxygen. At this point they say its not the same (which it probably isn't), but just trying to make a point. I'm fine if you do not believe in God, not my place to judge; just don't judge me because I do believe.

  2. I liked this one :) sorry I couldn't make it out to the bar--carpooling sucks sometimes. I hope your new job will fill that career void that you've been looking for.
